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Big Sorry for the last Joke - Printable Version

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Big Sorry for the last Joke - Hedgehog - 05-13-2008

Guy's I am not in the habit of offending people, So please accept my apologies.



RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Koen - 05-13-2008

it still was a good one though :chin:

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - McIvan - 05-13-2008

You certainly caused no offence here. Always enjoy reading your posts :)

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Copper - 05-13-2008

Quote:* Swear words will not be tolerated, much like most other forums on the internet there is no need for them. If you do slip one in, your post will be moderated with the swear word removed. Its not heavy handed moderating just general net etiquette.

I dont personally believe it was offensive Ted... just the fact your punchline was a swear word ... was in bold writing and large font which jumped out at you... LOL

If I had of removed the punchline the wholejoke was defunct hence the moderation... sorry matey :)

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Hedgehog - 05-13-2008


You gotta do what you gotta do mate.....So don't worry about it, Just one more thing though I always felt that this was a Mans club, and it seems that children are involved.

cheers Ted

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Copper - 05-13-2008

Its open to anyone who wants to use it mate, that includes women and children and as such a bit of standard etiquette around the forums will not go amiss.

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Tanker - 05-14-2008

Not to worry Hedge, no offense taken here.

Bootie I have a suggestion. Why not establish a section where jokes such as Hedgehog's recent one may be posted? It would be clearly marked as enter at your own risk. You could even have to specifically ask for the ability to enter and read it. This way all members could be accomodated.

RE: Big Sorry for the last Joke - Copper - 05-14-2008

This was discussed but I feel why condemn it on one area of the Blitz yet condone it on another area. There are plenty of sites available to read jokes like this, just go check the FGM... his jokes are displayed in their.