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Need about a dozen games... - Printable Version

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Need about a dozen games... - Der Kuenstler - 06-08-2008

Several of my games ended this week with the result I'm running way low. My preferance is cmbb or cmak, 3000 pt unrestricted me, either side, on imported maps which we both can see beforehand, but I'll consider anything you offer. You can send me a setup or I'll send you one -whichever. Thank you!

RE: Need about a dozen games... - herroberst - 06-08-2008

Herroberst accepts your challenge. Send a file! :stir:

RE: Need about a dozen games... - Der Kuenstler - 06-08-2008

herroberst Wrote:Herroberst accepts your challenge. Send a file! :stir:

Hey Herroberst - The last 6 things or so I've sent you it seems like you never get - I seem to get yours but then you don't get mine...? I've written back to everything you've sent me...

RE: Need about a dozen games... - Danny Boy - 06-08-2008

I'll play. Send me anything

RE: Need about a dozen games... - Hedgehog - 06-08-2008

A challenge, we played Dark Storm Minsk 44, you were the Allies, How about a change of roll, with me being the Allies, always a good battle that one, let me know how you feel.

cheers Ted

RE: Need about a dozen games... - Mikey_FGM - 06-09-2008

How about this?

CMBB, Jan 43, No Rarity, No Tigers.
33+ Turns.
Allied Attack, Me attacking, you defending, 1500 points.
Quick Battle, Village, Medium Trees, Moderate Hills.
Clear weather, Frozen Temp, mid-day.
Unrestricted Forces, Unrestricted Nationality.

I'll send you the first turn if this is acceptable.

RE: Need about a dozen games... - ajtateson - 06-09-2008

You handed me my arse on a plate in our recent battle but what the hell, I need another battle and I'm a glutton for punishment. Send me a set-up that suits you.

You never know, I might make it past halfway this time!:(

RE: Need about a dozen games... - Der Kuenstler - 06-10-2008

OK I have answered everybody who has responded - that will do for now thanks...

RE: Need about a dozen games... - OWL - 06-15-2008

I can have an extra game. Please send me a nice map so we can do a QB.

greets owl