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Emplacements - Printable Version

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Emplacements - PoorOldSpike - 07-12-2008

I just added this to the 'Cover Story' thread in the Tactical Discussion forum, glad to do my bit to help keep the Blitz Tac Forum the best in the CM community..;)


They're only found in Cmak and have to be placed by the scenario designer when he's creating the scen, they can't be bought in QB's.
As cover goes, they rate 30% which is about 'average', but they give NO cover if a firing enemy is appreciably higher.
A foxhole in an emplacement gives no extra cover.
Tanks get no cover in Emps, not even hulldown.
Only full-tracked vehs and foot units can cross or enter them, but guns can start the game in there.

[Image: sandbags.jpg]

RE: Emplacements - Copper - 07-12-2008

Thanks for the continued work POS.

RE: Emplacements - PoorOldSpike - 07-12-2008

"Near Paris 1940"

[Image: paris1940.jpg]

RE: Emplacements - Copper - 07-12-2008

What type of gun is that, 37mm AT?

RE: Emplacements - Nort - 07-13-2008

Yup. Looks like a doorknocker.

RE: Emplacements - Ratzki - 07-13-2008

Yes its a 37mm AT Gun.
[Image: German37mm75mm.png]

RE: Emplacements - herroberst - 07-13-2008

Later on they would learn not to stick the gun out there exposed like that, easy HE target, crew easily suppressed... even behind sandbags. You don't see that so much until late in the war when the crews were conscript and didn't know better.

RE: Emplacements - Mad Russian - 07-13-2008

The problem with emplacements is, since they are terrain, they are visible at all times by both sides. Not like foxholes or trenches.

Too bad they weren't set up as units instead of terrain.

Good Hunting.


RE: Emplacements - Jobu88 - 07-14-2008

Baron von Beergut (L) and Panzer Dan ® discuss the merits of the German 37mm.

"I wouldn't want to face a T-34 with this peashooter!"

[Image: German37mmAT.jpg]

Later the same two intrepid gamers inspect what I think is a Russian 37mm. The muzzle doesn't look big enough to be a 45mm.

[Image: Soviet37mm.jpg]