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new RS ME 02/03 scen, #5 today - Printable Version

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new RS ME 02/03 scen, #5 today - Mr. Guberman - 07-19-2008


I'll repeat, all of these scens posted the last two days were more or less done, for some time, just waiting for the Matrix edition to come along...then waiting for the patch, then...you know.

Here is the follow on scen for the previous one. We have the Shoji Detachment barreling along, west toward Kalidjati Airfield, midmorning 1 March 42.

The next scens will take a while as there are some issues that will have to resolved and some redesign due to new data...but I'll also have less free time than I have had the last two days...

Here we are: "Suprise at Kalidjati"


1 March 1942
Kalidjati Airfield, west of Soebang, Java: By 0800 hrs, on March 1st, the Japanese Wakamatsu Unit, of the Shoji Detachment, had departed the Enretanwetan beach heading south toward Soebang.
Upon reaching unoccupied Soebang, the unit turned west toward
Kalidjati Airfield, their primary objective. After racing west through Soebang and, at midmorning, shooting their way through the Dutch 3rd Recon Cavalry Unit, at about 1030 hrs, the Wakamatsu Unit drives up to the airfield. Earlier in the morning, around 0600 hrs, the main Dutch garrison was withdrawn from Kalidjati, southwest, toward Bandung, leaving only a remnant to guard the airfield. At the airfield, there remained only a British anti-aircraft battery and the RAF airfield defense unit who happen to know that the Japanese have been reported to be about thirty miles away, advancing from Eretanwetan. The RAF headquarters, at the field, had "phoned Air HQ at Bandung" and "explained to them the danger of their position". HQ, at Bandung, replied that "there was absolutely no danger and that all they had to do was remain by their aircraft and await further orders". After the phone call was completed, machinegun fire erupts. Aircraft begin to scramble and aircrews reach for rifles.

...thanx for the indulgence guys...it has been positive therapy to get back into the water a little bit...maybe I'll plunge all the way in soon.

Now to start working the scens of 2 March 42...just lying in the dust waiting to be plucked out...

Cheers all
