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D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - Printable Version

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D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - Elxaime - 07-22-2008

I have usually played D85 games with the artillery-set up optional rule "off" although almost always I have it "on" for WW2-era games.

I recall some discussion way back about modern artillery capabilities making it more realistic to have the optional rule "off" but then I got to wondering as to what players out there playing D85 actually are doing.

So two questions:

1. Are people playing with artillery set-up on or off for Modern Campaigns games and especially if playing D85?

2. And is there a consensus as to whether one or the other is more realistic?

RE: D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - FLG - 07-22-2008

If I remember correctly the discussion concluded that the majority of set-up time was in setting up the communications. In the modern era of wireless comms this takes a lot less time than laying telephone cables as per WWII.

I always play modern games with set-up off

RE: D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - Sgt Fury - 07-24-2008

I think you'll find that the rule only has an effect on "towed guns" in D85. This is because the 90% setup rate makes it automatic for SP Art (by rule). We have played with the rule on in our team campaign and I think it shows a value difference between the sp art and tow art. I would recommend using the rule.


RE: D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - alaric99x - 07-24-2008

I would vote for "off" in the Modern Campaigns and "on" in WW2 games.

RE: D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - Zemke - 07-25-2008

I am with Fury on this one. The rule highlights the differences between towed and SP Artillery. Also in 1985, there was very little differences between the towed artillery of WWII and 1985, except weight and range. The process of "setting" up the guns is the same, as they still all had to be laid in or surveyed in, so the time that took would be the same.

RE: D85 - Artillery set-up optional on or off? - CptCav - 07-25-2008


SP Artillery also has to be laid or surveyed in. Towed guns by the 1980's had become very efficient at shootin' and scootin'. Personally, I do not use artillery set-up.

Also, note that the WWII turns are 2 hours and the modern turns are 3. That represents 50% more time to set-up.
