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Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Printable Version

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Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Hawk Kriegsman - 07-27-2008

Hello All,

These things have happened in a match I am currently playing. Matrix 1.03 all options on. There was no overstacking involved.

I had a 6 SP Russian Guard SMG unit (the 6 firepower at 1 hex kind) run up behind a 4 SP MKIV F2 and get a reduced 3 result with the first shot and Eliminated with the second shot! :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:

That same unit took got a reduced 1 result on a MK IVF2 from the side.

And finally a Russian 1942 infantry platoon got a reduced 1 result on a Panther from behind.

Now these Russian units have a hard attack factor of 4!

I can see the two reduced 1 results as being unlikely, but the reduced 3 result is insane! Eek Eek

Is there a glitch in the fire tables or was I just incrediably lucky? :chin:


RE: Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Mike Abberton - 07-27-2008

It could be my imagination, but direct fire in general seems a little more deadly than before. But I stress again that is purely a gut feeling.


RE: Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Herr Straße Laufer - 07-27-2008

Hawk, My vote is for amazing luck. It was directed at the rear of the tanks? In past games, I think 4 & 5 strength hits always did reasonable damage to rear armor. When they hit of course. ;)

I thought I detected deadlier hit results. Multiple losses and more disruptions seem what is happening with the 1.03 version. But, I'd be surprised if they changed the hit/damage tables. They would have told us? *shrugs* :smoke:


RE: Glitch or Amazing Luck? - XLVIII Pz. Korp - 07-27-2008

I vote for insane luck. Back under Talonsoft EF 1.02 I lost a Panther to frontal shot from a Sov ATR... twice in one game, which according to the charts is impossible. I seem to recall reading somewhere that T/S had allowed for the random possiblility of critical hits which never was reflected in the CRT's

Similarly there also was a random possibility that a unit could go berserk/heroic though the player would never know it (supposedly so the player could not use the status as a weapon). I think we've all experienced the random defender that you could spend your entire turn shooting at with no effect? That's an example of random heroic status.

Who knows you may have had a heroic SMG unit with critical hits. Eek

RE: Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Von Earlmann - 07-27-2008

Those Russian SMGs can be very deadly against armor..esp from the rear

RE: Glitch or Amazing Luck? - Krec - 07-27-2008

nothing should surprise you after a while, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.