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Flag control tests - Printable Version

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Flag control tests - PoorOldSpike - 09-03-2008

New post in Tac Discussion>Flag Possession thread-


The manual states on p31- "Prisoners, ex-prisoners, forward observers, and unarmed vehicles exert no control over flags. Crews do, but you need several to reach the threshold"

Test 1, TRUCKS
As expected at the end of the game, they don't control the flag despite sitting on top of it..
[Image: tck.gif]

Although I stripped all their main gun ammo (HE/ AP/ Tungsten/ Smoke), their MG's weren't empty and the flag is captured..
[Image: empt.gif]

Surprise surprise, although I stripped all their main gun ammo AND they have no MG's, they still captured the flag!
[Image: nsh.gif]

CONCLUSION- AFV's will capture flags even if they have no ammo for the main gun or MG's. Presumably the program assumes they can be re-supplied at a moments notice just after the game ends.

RE: Flag control tests - Soldier - 09-04-2008

I'm not surprised at the Nahorns having control of the flag, even with no ammo what so ever.
The enemy des not know that and must not nor will not asume so under any circumstance, etc.. :-)

RE: Flag control tests - Soldier - 09-04-2008

Correction; Read the manual and it does specifically state, that unarmed vehicles do not control the flag.
I still maintain that they should, as long as they are combat vehicles versus a transport one's etc..

They ocupying the area around the flag in sufficient strength. Speaking of a flag/flags that are not being contested by the enemy either during nor at the end of the game.
So for game victory purposes, whom ever has combat vehicles or infantry occupying a flag, whether low or empty on ammo, is still in possession of it for that specific moment, etc.. :-)

RE: Flag control tests - Mike Abberton - 09-05-2008

Well, a vehicle with a gun could be considered armed, whether it has ammo or not. In the game, it is likely one of two things:

1) When the manual stated unarmed vehicles could not control a flag, they really meant vehicles with no integral armament, such as transport vehicles.

2) They forgot to add an ammo check into the "flag control" algorithm.

My guess is number one.

RE: Flag control tests - Der Kuenstler - 09-05-2008

I'm surprised at the Nashorn results - I have had 251/1s right at the flag before and they failed to neutralize it because they were out of MG ammo.

RE: Flag control tests - Mike Abberton - 09-05-2008

I suppose another possibility is that vehicles with guns but no ammo do contribute to controlling the flag, but less than they would if they had ammo. A test for this I suppose might be to put one nashorn with no ammo on the flag and see if it controls it.

RE: Flag control tests - PoorOldSpike - 09-05-2008

Ach sooo...
Further meticulous tests using 251/1's proved most revealing..

1- In this first test the 251's all had MG ammo, and held the flag at the end..
[Image: sd251ammo.gif]

2- But in this second test they didn't hold the flag at the end because I'd area-fired all their ammo into the ground to fully deplete them all..
[Image: sd251.gif]

REVISED CONCLUSION- Empty MG's won't capture flags, but empty guns will.

RE: Flag control tests - Extraordinarius - 09-05-2008

Leaving a very hard question to answer; some crew have ammunition for their pistols, some do not. Does it make a difference?

RE: Flag control tests - Soldier - 09-05-2008

What if halftracks are not considered combat vehicles!?

RE: Flag control tests - PoorOldSpike - 09-05-2008

Extraord quote- some crew have ammunition for their pistols, some do not. Does it make a difference?

The manual says infantry never run out of ammo, it'll go to 'Low' and stick there for the rest of the game,and the unit will only fire in self-defence at short range. Presumably this applies to crews too.
In other words infantry always have some rounds left