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Wide screen monitor - Printable Version

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Wide screen monitor - Jobu88 - 09-14-2008

Just got myself a 22-inch widescreen monitor. I can't decide if the CM units look distorted, or if I'm just seeing so much more of the map than I'm used to that it seems distorted.

Anybody else got a 22-inch or wider screen?

RE: Wide screen monitor - PoorOldSpike - 09-14-2008

Yes mate I got a 22" widescreen a few months ago and freaked bigtime at how the CM units were stretched out horizontally, I thought "I can't play CM any more with it looking crazy like this!"
So I spent days fiddling with the monitor settings and resolutions, and asking around all the PC help forums and computer shops to no avail, there was no solution and the units continued to look distorted, so I grudgingly had to play on.
But amazingly i got used to the distortion and now it looks absolutely normal to me i kid you not, don't ask me why, i suppose it's all to do with the way the human brain processes images and reality..

"Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one"- Albert Einstein

PS- it's like when you get a new pair of glasses, you feel cross-eyed and the whole world seems distorted at first (it did for me anyway), but after a couple of weeks your eyes/brain compensate and things look normal again.
Hey, my niece and her family have got a widescreen TV and when I first saw it I was shocked at how the pic was stretched out horizontally, so I offered to try fiddling with it to get it looking right, but they said "what you talking about? The pic's perfect!" so I sheepishly left it alone..

RE: Wide screen monitor - ekrommen - 09-14-2008

When I setup my computer, I had to go into the flat screen built in menu and change "Custom Scaling" from "Fill to screen" to "Fill to aspect ratio". Otherwise, the image was streched.

RE: Wide screen monitor - PoorOldSpike - 09-14-2008

Hmm mine doesn't seem to have any custom scaling options

RE: Wide screen monitor - Jobu88 - 09-14-2008

Mine doesn't either, at least not that I can find.

Is there a way to change the settings in Control Panel ?

RE: Wide screen monitor - ekrommen - 09-14-2008

If there's not on on-sreen option, was there a disk given with the monitor? You might have to install some software to access all the options. I dont think, by default, there is a way to do it in the control panel.

I also looked in my Nvidea Control Panel, in the control panel. There is a "Change Flat Panel Scaling" option there too. Looks like the video card option applet may be another thing to look at, it can letterbox your game screen perhaps.

RE: Wide screen monitor - Kragkcscn - 09-14-2008

I fooled around with the monitor itself...there is a little switch labeled "auto" on mine...after a week of not getting used to the distortion, I decided to push it, and it self-adjusted

RE: Wide screen monitor - Nort - 09-14-2008

I have a 22" monitor. I set the preferences to the highest resolution and I love the way it looks.



RE: Wide screen monitor - Jobu88 - 09-14-2008

I love everything about the way my new 22-inch monitor looks.....except the CM units......

What's weird is that my other games like Silent Hunter look OK. But in CM the units are stretched out noticably.

I'll figure something out. thanks for all the input

RE: Wide screen monitor - raz_atoth - 09-14-2008

I also have a 22' monitor and everything looks like it should look.What you can do is delete file 'Combat Mission BB Prefs'/'Combat Mission AK Prefs' files and,when asked,set the game to the highest resolution.