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Did you guys see this game? - Printable Version

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Did you guys see this game? - Weasel - 09-20-2008

Is this a more modern version sort of based on CM? One of the boys in SP posted it, it looks a lot like CM to me.


RE: Did you guys see this game? - PoorOldSpike - 09-20-2008

They say it's an "immense project" which explains why they've been working on it for years..
I've just asked them if there's a demo out and am waiting for an answer..

RE: Did you guys see this game? - wigam - 09-20-2008

Its does look very good. The scenary looks great to go for a drive in. lol. Lost in the russian countryside

RE: Did you guys see this game? - PoorOldSpike - 09-21-2008

I just got this reply below from the Spring 1944 people in response to my question about whether there's a demo, i'll keep in touch with them and offer them whatever help and testing etc I can help with-

Hi Mick,

My answer is a frustrating mix of yes and no. We have one public release floating around cyberspace at the moment, but at this point it is so old and out of date that I'd be a little ashamed to link you to it (and said release is packaged as a plugin for an engine, not as a stand-alone unit).

If you like, I'll let you all know when our next beta testing build is ready and send you that. It wouldn't really be suitable for tournament play, but we're always on the hunt for feedback. So while it wouldn't be a demo per se, it'd be a playable version of the game in its current (slightly rough) state, and you could help us improve the game by your opinions on it.

The better answer is that we're gearing up for release, hopefully to arrive in the next two months. So if you'd rather wait for a more finished game, it shouldn't be too too far away.

Thanks for the interest,
Ben / "Nemo"

RE: Did you guys see this game? - Weasel - 09-21-2008

Well at least you guys can give the beta a test run, that would be cool.

RE: Did you guys see this game? - wigam - 09-21-2008

I like the sound of that ;)

RE: Did you guys see this game? - kineas - 09-23-2008

I don't want to spoil the party but it looks like a moderately realistic RTS to me.

RE: Did you guys see this game? - PoorOldSpike - 09-23-2008

Okay I just sent this mail to the S44 people-

Right mate, whatever you think best, there are a bunch of interested people here at the Blitz club, so the sooner you can toss us some tasty morsels to whet our appetites, the better..:)