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Exiting troops ?? - Printable Version

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Exiting troops ?? - Jobu88 - 10-14-2008

Can someone interpret this for me??? I had thought that exiting troops scored points for you, but there's no way in heck I had 9090 points in exited troops. Is this saying that my opponent got 9090 points in troops that I failed to exit?

[Image: score.jpg]

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Ratzki - 10-14-2008

Only the troops that are marked as able to exit will score points for you when they exit. You can check this out by hitting the ENTER button on the unit, it will say in the upper right side of the info-box, whether the unit is available for exit.

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Der Kuenstler - 10-14-2008

Jobu88 Wrote:Is this saying that my opponent got 9090 points in troops that I failed to exit?

Right - he gets double the points for each unit he keeps from exiting.

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Jobu88 - 10-14-2008

Holy (!^%$ Fiery maybe I should read the manual more than once every three years.....


RE: Exiting troops ?? - Der Kuenstler - 10-14-2008

Lol - those exit troops scenarios are hard - I don't recall ever winning a game where I had to do so...

RE: Exiting troops ?? - herroberst - 10-15-2008

Yeah, and that scenario is tough for Axis to win albeit I still like to play it as it has many options.

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Ratzki - 10-15-2008

I am playing it right now, almost 3/4's the way through at the moment. How I got talked into playing the German side I 'll never know. I agree with how tough it is for the German side, feels like all I do is run and try to avert disaster at one side of the map, then the other side of the map. I find myself waiting for the next turn with mixed feelings as it is a rather exciting game yet, the tension never seems to let up and doing each turn is an exercise filled with anxiety as I have to make due with an ever smaller force against the advancing Russian hordes. Not for the feint of heart. :)

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Jobu88 - 10-15-2008

Actually I think I might have done OK except I didn't get my exiting units moving west soon enough. Took too much time deciding which route to take and getting the partisans cleaned out, and a Russian tank column arrived literally on top of my retreating troops and it was a bloodbath of cosmic proportions.

Very entertaining scenario-- almost like playing 5 different small battles on the same big map.

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Der Kuenstler - 10-15-2008


If I played that as the Germans I would just put everything into securing the North road and get everybody the heck out of there quick like you say....delay is fatal...

RE: Exiting troops ?? - Ratzki - 10-15-2008


That is pretty much what I did, but a shot from an ATR caused a rather large explosion of a couple trucks with infantry onboard. It was a domino effect after that as the traffic jam got me and now the Russian armour that comes in on the same road is going to over take me. I do have a rear guard but not in numbers and I am going to have to fight me way through with the Tigers. But you are correct, you have to waste no time in getting the column moving toward the exit zone asap.