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Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Printable Version

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Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - GUNSLNGR - 01-12-2009

Has anyone run into this:

VISTA is not saving my PBEM .dat file directly into the PBEM folder. I can only see it by clicking on the "Combatibilty Files" button in the explorer window. I have found that VISTA will, seemingly at random, pick some files compatible with older Windows versions and save them in a "virtual file".

The game plays fine, but the only way I can compress with WINZIP is to move the .dat file to my desktop. Then compressing it. That is a bit of a pain, but nothing I can't live with.

I was also getting the "Walt Disney threw-up" effect on my main menu screen at game start-up. This seems to be remedied by changing the display settings from High 32-bit to Medium 16-bit.

So if anyone else has run into this and has a better fix I'd like to hear it. And while I enjoy simplicity, please no "Go back to XP, schmuck" responses - as I can't do that right now.


RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Epoletov [SPR]. - 01-12-2009

I had this problem.
Now all has found (the map, save battle).

Write to "Search" Windows-> AppData

AppData --> Local --> VirtualStore --> Program Files --> Shrapnel Games --> The Camo Workshop --> WinSPMBT/WinSPWW2 --> PBEM Games / Maps / Scenarios .

As alternative:
Setup WinSP not in a folder " Program files ".
And it is better on another Disk [Disk D:].

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - GUNSLNGR - 01-12-2009

Thanks Epoletov. Could you clairify where I enter this? I could not find where to enter it in "Search".

[quote=Epoletov [SPR].]
Write to "Search" Windows-> AppData

AppData --> Local --> VirtualStore --> Program Files --> Shrapnel Games --> The Camo Workshop --> WinSPMBT/WinSPWW2 --> PBEM Games / Maps / Scenarios .

If this works, you are indeed the Master.

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Epoletov [SPR]. - 01-13-2009

I use the menu "Start" (to press the greater round button with a flag of colors Microsoft) a new kind, not classical.

In the opening menu, the lowermost line also is "Search" (at the left lines-> the magnifier is drawn).

After you will type a magic word "AppData" in the top of the appeared list in section "Programs" and there will be that that is necessary for you (not in section "Files").
Press a folder "AppData" in "Search" and go specified above by.

The classical menu "Start". Service "Search" does not find a necessary place "AppData".
Probably because there (in the classical menu "Start") files are searched only.


Has looked a full way and has seen:

C: \Users \You Name \AppData \Local\...

Has tried to pass it by, but has not found that that is necessary.
Probably there there is any protection which hides a folder "AppData".

I not the programmer, explain as I can.

P.S.: For certain it is is here better told about problem WinSP
+ Vista.


RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - GUNSLNGR - 01-13-2009

благодарю вас, My Friend.

I found it, just as you said. However, rather than having WINZIP compress two files in separate locations (the .cmt in PBEM and the .dat in the "appdata") - I think it may just be easier to click and drag both files to the desk top and then compress them. It seems to be working OK for now, just one more step than with XP.

I'm also having a problem extracting game files to the PBEM folder. I get some type of Adminstrator Permission Needed message. Again to get around this, I extract to the desktop and then click/drag into PBEM folder.

:kill:<--Bill Gates...

Thanks again for your assistance.

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Krec - 01-13-2009

ya , vista is a pain with the games, something about when it creates a dir , it doesnt like to be messed with after. not good when transfering files back and forth. i am learning to deal with it , but man in chaps my hide.:angry:

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Epoletov [SPR]. - 01-13-2009

Quote:благодарю вас, My Friend.

I found it, just as you said. However, rather than having WINZIP compress two files in separate locations (the .cmt in PBEM and the .dat in the "appdata") - I think it may just be easier to click and drag both files to the desk top and then compress them. It seems to be working OK for now, just one more step than with XP.

I'm also having a problem extracting game files to the PBEM folder. I get some type of Adminstrator Permission Needed message. Again to get around this, I extract to the desktop and then click/drag into PBEM folder.

<--Bill Gates...

Thanks again for your assistance.

Is glad to help the clubmate ! :)

I have made a label for a folder where Vista hides files. ;)
Therefore now one pressing appears in the necessary place !

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - Vesku - 01-13-2009

Epoletov suggested to install into a new folder, I recommend that. It doesn't have to be a different drive, just avoid Program Files folder. Vista can't use it's black magic on the files anymore.

RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - zeiss - 01-13-2009

You've checked the Shrapnel Forums Vista threads?



RE: Another issue with @#$%#$ VISTA - GUNSLNGR - 01-14-2009

I'm going to reload into a different folder as suggested, and I'll post up if that works.

zeiss Wrote:You've checked the Shrapnel Forums Vista threads?



Yea, I read these - that's where I learned about the fix for the display issues. The service pack issue seems to be another fix, but since I'm having to use the wife's computer...probably not a good idea to mess with too much.

Thanks all,