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Assault vs Probe - Printable Version

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Assault vs Probe - Shazman - 02-19-2009

I'm playing a probe and I fail to see the difference between that and an assault except the defender has more points than in an assault.

The manual says the defender is not dug in but imo a pillbox is the ultimate of 'dug in'.

Of course me being a noob I said, 'Sure, let's play'. Duh. Big Grin

Anyways, if you are a noob DO NOT play a probe mission. :P

RE: Assault vs Probe - Der Kuenstler - 02-19-2009

When defending in a 1000 point probe you get no foxholes and no fortifications. When defending in a 1000 point attack you get foxholes plus 200 points worth of fortifications. When defending in a 1000 point assault you get foxholes, fallback foxholes, and 400 points worth of fortifications.

This is all true if playing combined arms - if playing unrestricted it changes. When defending an unrestricted probe, you can get all the fortifications you want. So in the future as an attacker you would want to have the "combined arms" setting when playing to avoid the trouble you are having.

RE: Assault vs Probe - Mad Baron - 02-19-2009

I recently played a series of QB Assaults (2000 pts.--Unrestricted) with a guy and we switched off as defense-offense. My experience is that it is nearly impossible to win as defender in the average QB Assault game..especially depending on the random lay of the flags. I managed to get a draw once as a defender, because I had pretty rugged terrain with many natural obstacles to armor, and had bought a lot of roadblocks (which will block more than just roads), wire, different types of mines, trenches, maybe 3 TRPs, etc. (and no pillboxes--they seemed to never get kills worth their cost)--but effectively sealed out all enemy armor from my rear areas. And there were several flags all across my rear, but I prepared to only defend a certain core group in one map corner. At 30 turns (fixed) I managed a draw, but would have lost if the game had gone on several more turns (variable ending). (I really felt rather like the British in the movie Zulu, when they hung on in their final Redoubt~haha!)

But I'd say, a Probe--from my experience--is a little easier game to defend in as compared to an Assault, as QBs. Don't think I ever tried the one in between, an Attack.

RE: Assault vs Probe - Shazman - 02-19-2009

Well, there are fortifications and mines and all the flags are set in the middle of woods and tall pines so it's been a pain to even get close enough to do anything, lol. :P

It has been fun using cover to get close though. Only lost one man in that endeavour. Now comes the hard part.