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WHICH LADDER FOR MUSKET & PIKE??? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: WHICH LADDER FOR MUSKET & PIKE??? (/showthread.php?tid=50476)

WHICH LADDER FOR MUSKET & PIKE??? - Belisarius - 03-07-2009

Just wondering what ladder the new HPS Musket & Pike: Renaissance game will fit into.

If Musket & Pike is as fine a game as the rest of the HPS library I'm sure there will be enough interest to add it to The Blitz.

I know starting a new ladder is a daunting task.

Perhaps we can consider renaming the AW, NAP, ACW and OPS Ladders so as to cover this game and any potential new games (e.g. Boer-War, Russo-Japanese War, Crusades, etc.) that don't fit into the current ladder names.

For instance, "Ancient War Ladder" could become "Anceint/Medival War Ladder", "Napoleonic Ladder" could become "Renaissance through Napoleonic Ladder", "ACW" Ladder could become "Post Napoleonic 19th Century Wars" Ladder and "Ops" Ladder could become "20th Century Operational Level" Ladder.

Then we can add new armies and ranks to the existing ladders.

Just a thought.

RE: WHICH LADDER FOR MUSKET & PIKE??? - Dog Soldier - 03-07-2009

This is being discussed among the officers. Post here or in the AW thread Foul opened if you are interested in seeing this new HPS game hosted at the blitz.

Foul's Musket and Pike Post

Dog Soldier