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ALERT: Opponents of Mad Baron - Printable Version

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ALERT: Opponents of Mad Baron - Mad Baron - 03-25-2009

I had a computer meltdown Saturday morning and got my pc into my technician yesterday. With luck I hoped I'd have it back today, but no luck (using a computer at the public library about 15 miles away right now). I don't know how soon I'll be back in action, but it will be just a quick as possible!!!

Sorry for the inconvenience! Cry

Back Online By This Weekend? - Mad Baron - 03-26-2009

Got word last night that I should have my pc back by Thursday or Friday, but I will have to reload all my games from scratch. I hope to have game turns out by the weekend if everything goes to plan...and will let anyone know if I need their last turns re-sent.

Thanks for your patience! :P

RE: ALERT: Opponents of Mad Baron - Mad Baron - 03-28-2009

Wednesday, I found out my old pc was not cost-effective to repair, so I had to go buy a new one, but am up and running again now.

Now I have to see about loading all the games again, and adjusting them to VISTA, before I can do any turns. = (

I will also need the last game file my opponents sent to me.....everything else is gone from before.......


~~Mad Baron