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Availability of Jappanese artillery - Printable Version

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Availability of Jappanese artillery - Boisforas - 03-26-2009

Gentlemen, In a RS scenario Im playing, I unloaded my Jappanese artillery on turn 2 but on turn 3 & 4, those guns were not "available" for firing in the artillery box. Any iodea why? Thanx, Boisforas

RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Kool Kat - 03-26-2009

A few things come to mind;

Artillery unit may be out of range of HQ providing supply.

You are moving the HQ unit that provides supply each turn and therefore it can't provide supply.

The scenario has a low ammunition level for the Japanese.

RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Huib Versloot - 03-26-2009

No supply. Artillery only draws supply from the base level. Maybe it is a very low %

RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Herr Straße Laufer - 03-26-2009

Boisforas Wrote:Gentlemen, In a RS scenario Im playing, I unloaded my Jappanese artillery on turn 2 but on turn 3 & 4, those guns were not "available" for firing in the artillery box. Any iodea why? Thanx, Boisforas

Are they direct fire only guns?
If they are not in the artillery dialog box, that sounds like it.


RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Big Dawg - 03-26-2009

I think RR is correct.

The Jap artillery has several direct fire models.

Good luck.

RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Hawk Kriegsman - 03-26-2009

Yes RR is correct the Japanese 70mm & 75mm infantry guns are not capable of indirect fire in CS. Maybe those are the units in question.



RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Mike Abberton - 03-26-2009

IIRC, the 70mm and 75mm infantry are not even in the artillery box since they are not indirect fire units. So if you are talking about artillery greyed out in the box, your problem is not that they are direct fire Japanese infantry guns.

Typically, you get at least one "in supply" shot at the beginning of a scenario, i.e. most artillery is in supply on Turn 1. I don't think it can go out of supply until it fires once, and I don't think unloading can cause a change in supply, either. So unless the designer tagged the unit with low supply in the SCN file, I don't think the ammo level is your problem in the situation you described.

One possibility, if this is an amphibious landing scenario, make sure the artillery is not in the water. Artillery, direct or indirect, cannot fire from shallow water hexes. Move them to the beach. I have even seen a few scenarios where the designer forgot to put wagons (or trucks) on another barge, and the artillery was therefore useless. You can only unload the barge in shallow water, and you can't move the artillery out of the shallow water once it is unloaded.

RE: Availability of Jappanese artillery - Boisforas - 03-27-2009

Genlemen, thank you for the promp replys. The problem, as usual, was the most obvious, that is, the guns in question are not ID fire weapons so they need to be moved up to the front! Thanx again, Boisforas