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Duh - Printable Version

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Duh - Montana Grizz - 03-28-2009

I know there's a hot key for displaying the name of all the victory hexes (towns), but I can't seem to locate it:chin:

Any help appreciated.


RE: Duh - Otto von Blotto - 03-28-2009

Hi Pat,

Try the shift key


RE: Duh - 1925frank - 03-28-2009

On my computer, if you hold the shift key for five seconds or more, something bad happens, but I don't remember what. I just remember not to do it.

There's a way to make the labels stay on the screen. It's the shift key and another key at the same time, but I don't remember what the other key is. Anyone able to help? I'm thinking it's shift and tab.

Pushing the same two keys is supposed to remove the labels. With my computer, I recall that didn't always work, but that may just be a quirk of my computer and of my ignorance.

RE: Duh - junk2drive - 03-28-2009

8 seconds or more.

Go to Start>Control Panel>Accessibility Options>Filter Keys>Settings uncheck the box.

RE: Duh - 1925frank - 03-29-2009

Thanks, junk2drive. I think what happened before, if I remember correctly, is after pressing the shift button for a while, a screen about the filters came up. I didn't understand any of the options, and I pressed one, which deleted everying on my hard drive. My wife was able to retrieve everything, but it was quite a shock.

I checked. Shift then, while holding Shift down, Alt leaves the labels on. Once the labels are on, Shift, while holding Shift down, then Alt does not remove the labels, but Alt, whild holding the Alt down, then Shift does remove the labels.

RE: Duh - junk2drive - 03-29-2009

Years ago I also clicked something on that popup and had a heck of a time getting things back to normal. Much research to figure out what it was and how to prevent it. You don't forget these things, lol.

RE: Duh - 1925frank - 03-29-2009

The chair I use at my computer still bears some of the indelible stains that testify to the degree of my despair and amazement.

Like the cat which will no longer sit on a hot stove, I will no longer sit on a cold stove either.

RE: Duh - Von Earlmann - 03-29-2009

Press the shift and alt keys simutaneously..........all labels will appear and stay...to get rid of them tap the shift key

RE: Duh - 1925frank - 03-30-2009

Thanks, Von Earlmann.

RE: Duh - umbro - 03-31-2009

Alternatively turn on "Sticky-Keys" by hitting SHIFT 5 times in a row quickly and following the instructions. You get cute little beeps to go along with permanent SHIFT.

Bear in mind that the map scrolls significantly slower with names ON.
