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Specific Op fire question - Printable Version

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Specific Op fire question - Montana Grizz - 07-16-2009

I've often wondered what "short, medium and long" actually translate to?

Since each unit has it's own unique range versus hard and soft targets, are the distance values determined as a percentage of each units maximum distance?

Is "medium" half the maximum distance?

Is short always one or two hexes or is it calculated based upon maximum distance?

Thank you,


RE: Specific Op fire question - umbro - 07-17-2009

Opfire ranges are
Short=1/3max (round down)
Medium=2/3max (round down)
Long= up to max


RE: Specific Op fire question - Von Luck - 07-17-2009

IE Engineers should always be set at long when targeting armour.

RE: Specific Op fire question - Smedley - 07-17-2009

That's right. In some scenarios, State Farm 79 for instance, you must set the global op fire setting for infantry to long. Otherwise, the engineers will not op fire against armor. Setting the individual engineers will not work. They will default to the global setting.


RE: Specific Op fire question - Dan Caviness - 07-23-2009

What Smed and Von Luck said....

One more thing...the rules explain this but not very clearly.

Global OP fire and Individual OP fire settings.

If they conflict, the game will default to the shorter setting between the two.
So...if you want units to fire individually and as you set them to fire...you should first click on an empty hex....and set everything on the OP fire window to LONG.
Then...go to your individual units and set them as you desire and they should shoot when you tell them to.

One further question for the real grognards out there....if you have an AA unit and you turn it OFF for soft targets/infantry/etc...will it still trigger on an air attack at the beginning of a turn? This matters to some of us...so stop laughing...(:O)

If Smedley, Von Luck, and Umbro don't know we may have to resort to the Jason for the "final answer"....cheers

RE: Specific Op fire question - XLVIII Pz. Korp - 07-23-2009

The AA will still trigger. I've seen it quite a few times in my games.


RE: Specific Op fire question - Dan Caviness - 07-26-2009

Thank you sir.

