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Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Printable Version

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Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Reddog - 08-07-2009


Could someone please tell me what the "opportunity fire" setting is for hitting aircraft. Are they considered "Hard", Soft or Other"?

An example is setting the opp fire for a German 20mm AA gun. I want this gun to still fire at incoming aircraft within it's maximum range but not to fire on any other targets if possible.

RE: Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Dan Caviness - 08-07-2009

Hello Reddog:

That same question came up in our latest team game and I would like to know as well.

I believe aircraft are in the "other" category.
I'm certain they are treated/considered as soft targets.

If you set them (your AA units) to "long" for "other"...and no air attacks come in that turn to use up their OP fire....do they then trigger on land based targets?:chin:
That is usually the last shot they take before being destroyed by your opponent...and it's important to know.



RE: Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Reddog - 08-07-2009

Hi Dan:

Thanks for your comments. I've had AA guns fire on land targets far too many times with OPP and lost way more than any damage that they were lucky enough to inflict. Air attacks come so inconsistently and you never get enough AA guns in your arsenal to cover all your troops so it's hard to figure out what works and what doesn't.

For those reasons I usually set OPP fire to zero for all types but that really leaves you open for air attacks.

RE: Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Reddog - 08-12-2009

Are aircraft considered "Soft" or "Other" targets because they leave no wreckage behind when they are destroyed? If yes then which one?

Is it possible within the CS game's limited program to make it so aircraft do leave a burning (or not) wreck icon when destroyed? In doing so would they then have to be considered a "Hard" target?

RE: Opp Setting Against Aircraft - Dan Caviness - 08-12-2009


To the best of my knowledge they are soft targets as in they are not armored, but your question as to soft vs. other on target type is unanswered. And to me equally important...does it trigger range dependent based on your OP fire setting. Whichever, soft/other, it may be.

Can you help?

