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More scenario creation questions - Printable Version

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More scenario creation questions - Larry Reese - 08-10-2009

Okay guys, if I expand and shift a map, will reinforcements already scheduled to arrive at the edge of the existing map still arrive at the "new" edge or do they need to be completely relayed in the scenario file?


RE: More scenario creation questions - Mr. Guberman - 08-10-2009

Unrortunately, completely redone...sorry...

RE: More scenario creation questions - Larry Reese - 08-10-2009

What ****. What will happen if you leave them as is? They just don't appear or what?


RE: More scenario creation questions - John Given - 08-10-2009

They will appear in the hex that *used* to be the map edge. :P

This is why it is so important to make certain to finish the map file first, the oob file second, and the scn file third.

RE: More scenario creation questions - K K Rossokolski - 08-10-2009

Re expanding or shifting a map when the scen design has started, the map will "appear to move under" things like blocks, trenches, objectives etc

RE: More scenario creation questions - Von Earlmann - 08-10-2009

The map co-ordinates will remain the same........so theoretically the reinforcements should arrive in the same place.


RE: More scenario creation questions - Larry Reese - 08-11-2009

I shall experiment.