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Breaklight's opponents - Printable Version

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Breaklight's opponents - Breaklight - 10-29-2009

To be quite honest..

I have sort of lost track who I'm playing and with whom my match is finished. With a few we've got stuck into a second, maybe third round :)

All the same, I'm still off for a few days, so until sunday evening no moves from me.
Just a heads up to let you know ;)

And maybe chk your pbem dir's see if you'v got a file waiting for me :)

Regards Breaklight

RE: Breaklight's opponents - keif149 - 10-29-2009

Turn 9 sent on 10\29 ;)

RE: Breaklight's opponents - Der Kuenstler - 10-29-2009

Lol - Two words: PBEM Helper...


RE: Breaklight's opponents - Breaklight - 10-30-2009

thx for the tip Der Kuenstler! I'll look into that when i get back ;)