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Favorite scenarios? - Printable Version

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Favorite scenarios? - ekrommen - 10-30-2009

herroberst Wrote:I've had two respondents: Cargol (2 x very interesting games), and Antouan (1 x oldie but a goodie game). Room for a few more so old and new adversaries welcome to send a file.

Im very curious which scenarios are club favorites. Anyone with an opinion, please list your favorite (or two or three favorites) and any comments. What makes it interesting or exciting?

RE: Favorite scenarios? - ekrommen - 10-30-2009

Here's one that comes to mind for me:

CMBO - "Wiltz"

Ill play this anytime, I love it. Americans have a hasty defense of the small town in the Ardennes, its 12/44 during the Bulge drive, and a mounted German force is driving hard down the road.

things I like:
*flags placed on high ground around the town, rather than in the town
*plenty of covered routes for attacking foot infantry
*attackers have alot of cool toys, but the vehicles have only two good approaches; defenders have a few good AT assets that need to pay off
*defenders must coordiante for maximum efficiency. There is not enough to make a total defense of all the flags, it must be semi mobile

RE: Favorite scenarios? - Der Kuenstler - 10-30-2009

CMBB operations - "B&T Beginning of the End" and "Beginning of the End Part II" - both very balanced and can replay any number of times with new results.

RE: Favorite scenarios? - Soldier - 11-01-2009

My most favorite has got to be none other, then CMBB's "Storm555."
I've played it at least a half a dozen times and with very good results too, considering my otherwise poor overall record.. :-(

The Russian side is the more challenging, in this very good designed scenario. Not that it is a picnic for the German player either. I'll play either side, but enjoy playing the German side more. My pet peeve is defense. The German player is hard tested in his mobile defensive skills.

I'm ready to replay this great scenario any time any day.. :-)
Any takers out there??

RE: Favorite scenarios? - ekrommen - 11-01-2009

Here's a relevant post:

15 Most Fun Scenarios

Interesting, both Storm555 and Beginning of the End are on it. I've played Beginning once, and I agree its a classic.

Soldier, Ill take you on it Storm555, sounds fun.

RE: Favorite scenarios? - Ratzki - 11-01-2009

It would be nice to get a list of all scenarios that have been played several times with each side winning about 50% of the time.

RE: Favorite scenarios? - ekrommen - 11-01-2009

I copied the sceanario database for CMBB as of today into Excel and filtered all the scenarios with 20+ plays and a win percentage of 41-59%.

CMBB - Played alot and pretty balanced

Name -- %uneven -- favored side
Marxdorf -- 0 -- n/a
Korsun Relief -- 0 -- n/a
A Morning at the Zoo -- 1 -- Axis
B&T Early Wittmann -- 1 -- Axis
B&T Clash of the Titans II -- 1 -- Allies
SP Our Backs to the Volga -- 2 -- Gemany
SS Strikes, Kalinin Front -- 2 -- SS
B&T Beginning of the End (Operation) -- 3 -- Allies
Manstein Cometh -- 4 -- USSR
A Second Chance -- 4 -- Allies
Jaegermeister -- 5 -- Germany
B&T Sword of Bagration -- 5 -- Germany
B&T Izyium Diet Plan -- 8 -- USSR
Borisovka Station -- 8 -- Allies
B&T Punch-CounterPunch -- 8 -- Russia
Road to Moscow -- 9 -- Russia
Hornet's Nest -- 9 -- Axis

RE: Favorite scenarios? - Soldier - 11-01-2009

Your On ekrommen!
Set it up, if you don't mind, i'm going out for the evening, etc.
I preffer playing the axis, but Russians will do ok.. :-)

RE: Favorite scenarios? - ekrommen - 11-01-2009

Will do, Ill get the file out tonight.

RE: Favorite scenarios? - Mad Russian - 11-01-2009

Al Elbrus. A very interesting and much different playing scenario.

CSDT Eisenfaust one of the best ever scenarios.

TankodeskyH2H another ery interesting fight. I thought I was losing all the way to the end and managed to pull it out.

These three are the the top of my list. Interestingly enough they are all 3 CMBB.

Good Hunting.