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Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Printable Version

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Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - OWL - 11-10-2009

Hello CM friends

The upcoming period with X-mas & New Year, there will be some spare time for an extraordinary operation. I invite you to participate, but fast & reliable returners only! You have to play the scenario as the Axis and also as the Allied player but against an different opponent. The two results in % will be counted together and the player with the highest score of the 2 operations will be immortal in the history of the Blitz & FGM! Start of the tournament 22 November, battles finished not later then the 1st of March 2010. The scenario is attached so you can start your rehearsels!

So send me a mail you will fight!

Greets Owl

Title: Forgotten City

Type: Meeting Engagement

Date: February, 1943

Location: Tsarvary city

Region: Central

Weather: Mixed

Terrain: Snow

Turns: 3 battles, 20 turns each variable

Points: Both players 6666 points!

Best played: 2 players only

Author: Bert “OWL” Wijnhoud

In February 1943, German and Russian High Commands ordered massive troop movements through the area. Both, however, forgot to direct units to the area surrounding the city of Tsarvary. German recce units and local partisan elements scouting the area, alerted their commanders that the city of Tsarvary, including it´s modern railroad station and the multiple bridges over the river Altokw were unsecured and could be seized with very little effort if they moved quickly!

German and Russian High Command ordered an immediate advance of one mobile company(+) size force in the direction of the ''Forgotten City'' with the mission to seize it, before the enemy could react!

Be aware, there are already German scout and partisan elements in the area and it's possible your line of departure is already under observation of the enemy!

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Pioneer - 11-10-2009

:) Count me in, sounds good.

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Padre19 - 11-10-2009

I'd like to join !

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Mad_Dog - 11-10-2009

Looks like fun Owl, another challenging map like the M&M Tourney. Count me in as well.

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - ekrommen - 11-10-2009

Please count me in!

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Mikey_FGM - 11-10-2009

Count me in!

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Mad_Dog - 11-10-2009

Swing it so I get a rematch against ekrommen, our M&M game was very close.;)

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Soldier - 11-10-2009

Count me in as well.
Soldier at the ready [[email protected]] :-)

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Mikey_FGM - 11-10-2009

Looks like we got a preliminary player pool of 5 already. (edit: Make that 6, hiya Soldier!)

Whadda ya say Owl, can us keeners kick this off early?

My inbox is drier then a Mormon Pub... (No offense intended, will remove if requested!) ...and I could really do with an influx of incoming.

RE: Owl Winter Tournament: Forgotten City - Von Karlsburg - 11-10-2009

Count me in!