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Midway questions - Printable Version

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Midway questions - jonnymacbrown - 03-16-2010

I'm in the getting started scenario. I launch the search just like instructed. Instead of heading west to Wake, they all go east. Or else they just circle the carrier. What am I doing wrong? j

RE: Midway questions - jonnymacbrown - 03-17-2010

Also, the dialog box doesn't give any indication of the direction you want to send the planes. Nor does it indicate any bearing whatsoever. How do you direct a search mission? It asks for max and min course in degreees but degrees from where? And in what direction? Can I get any answers here, or do I need to go someplace else? Jonny:bow:

RE: Midway questions - rahamy - 03-17-2010

You should always contact company support (for any game) you have issues with. In this case Support at hpssims.com - that will gurantee you answers, where posting on a non-affiliated web forum somewhere may not.

Degrees are simple. 360 in a circle, so due north is zero & you move in a clock wise direction. The started tutorial has sample values in one of the screen shots - did you try using those?

RE: Midway questions - jonnymacbrown - 03-18-2010

"Degrees are simple. 360 in a circle, so due north is zero & you move in a clock wise direction. The started tutorial has sample values in one of the screen shots - did you try using those?"
Thank you and yes my friend degrees are simple when explained in that way. Unfortunately the tutorial doesn't mention this. The tutorial is written by someone who already understands the system and isn't exact enough as to why things are done: Rather the approach is "do this" and that works for the situation at hand by the deeper issues remain unexplained. Thanks though, I am slowly starting to figure this out. J:smoke: