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What kind of game do you prefer? - Printable Version

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What kind of game do you prefer? - Gila - 09-26-2010

Hi all!

Just curious.

Do you like a tank heavy battle or infrantry only battle?

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - keepitloki - 09-26-2010

I like variety, trying different tactics. The terrain dictates the OOB.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - Walrus - 09-26-2010

I like to mix it up also.
Sometimes, tanks, sometimes, infantry, some modern, some old school...as long as the is a good battle in the game, and a chance for both players to get a result...I am a happy guy.

Massive Inf only battles can get a bit boring though, especially if there is a lot of arty and z-fire.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - wigam - 09-26-2010

Yeah I agree with Walrus, Can't do infantry only battles. I love tanks, but need a few foot sloggers round for defence. Go the TIGER. ;)

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - Vesku - 09-26-2010

Without any knowledge of the multitude of variables of the battle field I would go with infantry heavy with tank support.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - Imp - 09-26-2010

Like Vesku said think you have missed the most common types
Infantry heavy with tank support
Both roughly equal.

Depends on terrain unless doing a campaign of course.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - Gila - 09-26-2010

(09-26-2010, 03:14 PM)Imp Wrote: Like Vesku said think you have missed the most common types
Infantry heavy with tank support
Both roughly equal.

Depends on terrain unless doing a campaign of course.

I left out the other options by purpose to get the left and right opinions .

Should asked "if you had to chose"

Silly poll as it seems i guess.

For me it would be the latter.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - low_bidder - 09-30-2010

Infantry if I can't choose combined arms. I prefer tough over fast. Although both is better.
Fast means I make my mistakes at a higher rate of speed. That is seldom a good thing.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - Outlaw Josey Wales - 09-30-2010

And on a large map in a meeting engagement setting.

RE: What kind of game do you prefer? - low_bidder - 10-01-2010

Actually; close would be the one word answer. i would rather lose a close game then win in a slaughter. Most players will quit when getting slaughtered, not that I blame them.
It's not much fun watching your troops go the way of a snowman (exp 10, mor 10) facing a flame thrower (HE 40, range 2).