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Breakout Minsk 41 Opponent Needed - Printable Version

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Breakout Minsk 41 Opponent Needed - Jagger - 11-06-2010

Hi all. I designed the scenario Breakout Minsk, 41 a few years back. It is a scenario depicting an encircled mixed force of early war Russians launching a breakout against a high quality German blocking force. The scenario is located here including feedback:


In terms of balance, I noticed 6 German victories and 1 draw even though I felt the game had a slight Russian bias. I would like to try the game again, playing as the Russians against the Germans, to see if I need to rebalance the scenario.

I am a little rusty in playing CMBB but have been doing some AI games to regain my feel for the game. Hopefully I can test with someone pretty comfortable with CMBB and early war German forces. I can typically do one to two turns a day in the evening. Some days, I can set aside a couple hours to knock out several turns quickly.

If anyone is interested in trying the scenario as the Germans, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!