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Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - Printable Version

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Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - Jim von Krieg - 03-21-2011

I'm currently playing Sedan 1940 as a team with Scott Cole as German against Von Manstein and Schlonz as French. Due to work and family issues, Scott is withdrawing from our match.

I am looking for a replacement player interested in commanding the 2nd Panzer Division and the Gross Deutschland crossing the Meuse River in 1940. Sedan is a very large scenario with three divisions plus on each side. We are on Turn 18 of a 56 turn scenario. All rules except EA and VV. We're going along at a pretty steady pace of a turn or two per week. It's a real slugfest and we're locked in close combat as we push out from the bridgeheads.

If you are interested in playing a team battle, please let me know. I will send you the scenario files.

Best regards,


RE: Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - kernel t - 03-22-2011

I will give it a shot.

RE: Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - Jim von Krieg - 03-22-2011

Sweet... I look forward to our battle together...

I'll send all the files in the morning.



RE: Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - Death~Dealer - 03-26-2011


Still need a player? Contact me by email if a slot goes empty again-

RE: Need player for Sedan 1940 Team Game - Jim von Krieg - 03-27-2011


Jesse, aka Kernel t jumped on it... He's already assumed command of the the 2nd Panzer Division and attached elements as they fight for their life on the banks of the Meuse...

I'll tag you for relief operations if we have any issues with the team games I am involved with... Real Life happens... So there are occasional openings...

I've been moving daughter and getting her set up in AZ... I'm almost caught up on my ongoing games, so we can look at launching a battle this weekend... Do you have any scenario suggestions or house rules you prefer? Just nothing too gargantuan... Medium to Medium Large... as I have multiple team games as well as a very large battle I just started... OR I can figure out something if you prefer...

