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Assaulting with disrupted units. - Printable Version

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Assaulting with disrupted units. - Otto von Blotto - 05-07-2012

I've put in a support call on matrix, this was during a pbem match has anyone one else come across this loophole. ? Holy Cow


RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Larry Reese - 05-07-2012

Never seen it - would love to see the replay though.

I know disrupted units can move "towards" an enemy if they are already closer to an enemy unit than the one they're moving towards. Maybe that somehow let them assault, but I've never seen that happen personally. Are you sure the enemy unit was not disrupted during the assault so it ended up in the hex at the end of the turn disrupted? Also, is it possible that while you see the disrupted unit you were unable to see a non-disrupted unit in the same hex that undertook the assault?


Everyone using the same versions?


RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Otto von Blotto - 05-07-2012

I can send the replay, too you and Jason if they want it, My opponent HSL will need to send you his game password if you want to view it though.

We are long time jousters and I had never come across it before either so I pointed it out to him and asked him to confirm my thoughts before and I quote "I post a support ticket and make myself look a simpleton" LMAO

He did confirm I did this, we are both on 1.04 I know at times you can retreat toward an enemy but this was not like that, I defiantly had moved a unit set up an assault then when moving a leader into the hex the initial unit became disrupted but could still carry out the assault that was set up.

The unit was defiantly disrupted before the assault (well after calling it but before going through with it) not during.

RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Herr Straße Laufer - 05-07-2012

I normally do not watch replays. OvB asked me to watch and I was perplexed.
A disrupted infantry unit successfully assaulted a disrupted mg unit. And, for that matter, it destroyed the disrupted friendly, of mine.

I thought a disrupted unit could not assault. Flying Pig



RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Larry Reese - 05-07-2012

OH, that explains it!

If you set the assault up (like I do) before hand and committed an undisrupted unit to attack, and then, because of enemy opfire triggered by an officer (or other unit) moving through that same hex to join in the attack, that original unit is disrupted, the game engine will still allow it to attack because it is already "committed" to the assault (symbolized by the red arrow). If you had cancelled the assault after the unit became disrupted and then tried to replan it on the same turn the game engine would not allow that b/c the unit would now be considered to be disrupted prior to being committed to the assault.

I have seen THIS happen before. Please confirm that what I described above is what happened (I may be misunderstanding). If so, then that's a known artifact of the game engine, at least to me. I would rationalize it this way - the unit charged into the assault but the sharp eyed enemy broke up the coordination of the assault charge with counterfire before they came to grips (actually aimed at that officer). The friendly unit can't turn around and retreat, though they'd like to, b/c they're so close to the enemy already and in the midst of being shot to pieces (it'd take far longer to turn around and run back, completely exposed, than to continue to grips w the enemy), so their only choice is to push on with the attack even though they're disrupted.

I dont think it's a big issue really.


RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Otto von Blotto - 05-07-2012

That is exactly what I saw and described.
no not a big issue (at least to me but might be more of one to the receiver of a disrupted assault as the moving and assaulting of all units are supposed to take place in the same six minutes, so in truth the infantry and officer will be moving into the hex at the same time) but an small issue non the less, first time I had seen it in many years of play so wanted to make sure it was known of and if so why has it not been dealt with in the many updates up till now. Confused

RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Jason Petho - 05-08-2012

As Larry points out, this has been around since the Talonsoft days.

Jason Petho

RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Otto von Blotto - 05-08-2012

And no one's every tried to fix it in all these years Crazy all that is needed is a single loop that re-checks the units status once the assault button is pushed, the sub-routine to check for a disrupted unit is already in the code as it checks when the assault is set up so you should just be able to call it.?

This is a game loophole same as fatiguing wagons and then picking up heavy artillery units that you wouldn't be able to fatigue if already loaded.? 2cents2

RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Jason Petho - 05-08-2012

(05-08-2012, 03:25 AM)Otto von Blotto Wrote: And no one's every tried to fix it in all these years Crazy all that is needed is a single loop that re-checks the units status once the assault button is pushed, the sub-routine to check for a disrupted unit is already in the code as it checks when the assault is set up so you should just be able to call it.?

This is a game loophole same as fatiguing wagons and then picking up heavy artillery units that you wouldn't be able to fatigue if already loaded.? 2cents2

It hasn't been an issue, just one of those things that has been "accepted", I guess.

I've noted it down to look into for the 1.05 UPDATE.

Jason Petho

RE: Assaulting with disrupted units. - Otto von Blotto - 05-08-2012

Thanks Salute2