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Vaca Jodkowski (Levsha) - Printable Version

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Vaca Jodkowski (Levsha) - Levsha - 09-17-2012

Dear my playmate by mail (Combat Mission and TOAW).

I was very sorry to all of you for a long (almost monthly) lack of moves on my part. I had serious personal problems as a result of which I have not had the opportunity to not only play, but to give some attention-mail to answer your queries.

Now I'm more or less come to order, but I will have some tension with time in the coming weeks. I will try to make the next move for each of my games (and there are more than 10 now) for a week, I also promise that all will end the current game, though at a slower mode moves than it was before. Unfortunately, at the moment I have no way to start a new game with those to whom I promised earlier., But I promise to return to this issue as soon as I could do it.

I apologize if my English is not perfect and you have difficulty in reading.

Best regards

Vaca Jodkowski

RE: Vaca Jodkowski (Levsha) - Weasel - 09-17-2012

Hi Vaca; Hope all gets better. Ok, we will have to set out DB back up to finish the game as I deleted it already, and we will have to delete the result I already posted.

I don't have any of the turns so you will have to email me the last turn so I can reset the DB folders.