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a tech question... - Printable Version

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a tech question... - Mr Yormsha - 01-26-2013

I've recently re-installed copies of CM (BB and AK) on my new machine.

however I have a PBEM issue.

when i play BB the files i create are saved in a separate folder. when i go to the PBEM folder there's a button at the top that reads 'compatibility files'. i hit that button and bang; there they are.

so thats fine i can play that.

but when i start AK again i can't see the txt files i create. but there's no 'compatibility' button.

am i doing something unbelievably stupid?



RE: a tech question... - Bert Blitzkrieg - 01-28-2013

(01-26-2013, 07:05 PM)Mr Yormsha (FGM) Wrote: I've recently re-installed copies of CM (BB and AK) on my new machine.

however I have a PBEM issue.

when i play BB the files i create are saved in a separate folder. when i go to the PBEM folder there's a button at the top that reads 'compatibility files'. i hit that button and bang; there they are.

so thats fine i can play that.

but when i start AK again i can't see the txt files i create. but there's no 'compatibility' button.

am i doing something unbelievably stupid?



Isn't this the Windows 7 install problem? In which folder did you install the games?

RE: a tech question... - Bootie - 01-29-2013

Great to see you again Simon!!!

RE: a tech question... - Mr Yormsha - 01-29-2013

Its in my 'programmes' folder. Same place as it used to be...