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East Prussia Russian Reinforcements - Printable Version

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East Prussia Russian Reinforcements - jonnymacbrown - 06-04-2016

I'm on turn 147 in Clash of Empires. It's September 7th and of the eight Cossack regiments scheduled to arrive in September 1, five have arrived. Their arrival probability is 15% calculated daily. Worse yet are the later arrivals; some good infantry brigades, more than 60 of them, on September 7th. At 8% daily, only one arrived. Now I need to wait until the 8th, tomorrow. Doesn't seem like I'm going to get much help here. Was it this chaotic? jonny

RE: East Prussia Russian Reinforcements - Volcano Man - 06-04-2016

Yes, it was. In general, there wasn't enough trains/rail capacity to spare for the units to arrive, as they were all being used to supply the armies in Galicia.

It is unknown when the Cossacks were able to be transferred by rail to the corps (finally), so I left that up to chance whether it happens at all (it may not have even happened until after the campaign, I think, hence the one check per day -- essentially if you get them you are lucky, that is the intent).

Also, the "good infantry brigades" are the building blocks of the new Russian 10th Army, which was formed very piecemeal and sporadically *over a long period of time*, and it was being formed as an emergency measure because of what happened to the 2nd Army. Also, no accurate record could be found of exactly which brigade and regiment arrived on which date, all I had was text about "10th Army was forming" and a window of time, and its final composition. Because of that unknown, and because it was forming sporadically, you get the random and often very low probabilities. Also, the 10th Army sat inactive in the south and merely defended Poland. I have no doubt if I had the entire force arrive reliably then it would march right towards Konigsberg. Rolling Eyes But again, I felt this a good opportunity to leave it up to chance. Rather than have the 10th Army arrive all together and just fix them, I felt it better to have them arrive sporadically (as was the case) and leave it up to chance. Then the Russian commander can either get lucky with a lot of them arriving and use them to assist the 1st Army, or go on an offensive with a weakened army.

RE: East Prussia Russian Reinforcements - jonnymacbrown - 06-04-2016

Thanks! Smile