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Simple art updater script - Printable Version

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Simple art updater script - blond_knight - 12-30-2019

IMO reinstalling a Panzer Campaigns game can sometimes be a pain, hunting for all the right artwork can be tedious.
I got tired of doing it and created a "master" folder on my laptop today that has folders for each nationality and only contains the unitbox, flag, and 2dSymbolslg and sm.  You could certainly include more like the units subfolder but I thought those are too specific.

Now instead of hunting for the right mods I just:
  • Install and patch the game.
  • Install the map mod.
  • Install the Volcano mod.Run this script to copy the nationality files from my master folder.
  • All you have to do if you want to try this is copy this code, and save it as a .PS1 file(Powershell).Create your master source folder with nationality subfolders and update the paths for the source and destination folders in the script.

RE: Simple art updater script - blond_knight - 12-30-2019

#Source Panzer campaigns game main folder
$source = 'C:\games\master'
#Destination Panzer campaigns game main folder
$destination = 'c:\games\test\'
#Army list.  Feel free to add any Ive missed in the same format.
$armies = 'American','American-AB','British','British-AB','Canadian','French','German','German-SS','Luftwaffe','italian',`
#Loops for each army
foreach ($army in $armies)
#Check to see if destination army exists
$check = Test-Path $destination\$army
if ($check -eq 'True')
Write-Output "Populating $army"
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolsLg.bmp $destination\$army -force
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolssm.bmp $destination\$army -force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Unitbox.bmp $destination\$army -force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Flag.bmp $destination\$army -force
#Clean up of old Help files
Get-ChildItem $destination -file| Remove-Item -Include *.hlp, *.cnt

RE: Simple art updater script - blond_knight - 12-31-2019

Here's a small variation. Ive moved all my Panzer Campaign games into a single folder in my games directory.  Now I can reset or update all of them at once.

#Source Panzer campaigns game main folder
$source = 'C:\games\master'
#Destination Panzer campaigns game main folder
$destinationgame = "C:\games\Panzer Campaigns\"
#Army list.  Feel free to add any Ive missed in the same format.
$armies = 'American','American-AB','British','British-AB','Canadian','French','German','German-SS','Luftwaffe','italian',`
$all = Get-ChildItem $destinationgame -Directory|select -ExpandProperty name
#Loops for each game
foreach ($game in $all)
$destination = $destinationgame+$game
#Loops for each army
foreach ($army in $armies)
#Check to see if destination army exists
$check = Test-Path $destination\$army
if ($check -eq 'True')
Write-Output "Populating $army"
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolsLg.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolssm.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Unitbox.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Flag.bmp $destination\$army -Force
#Clean up of old Help files
Get-ChildItem $destination -file| Remove-Item -Include *.hlp, *.cnt

RE: Simple art updater script - blond_knight - 01-30-2020

After reading Lowlanders post about making a terrain info box mod I decided to update my script to also support copy files from the master info folder.

#Source Panzer campaigns game main folder v1.3
$source = 'C:\games\master'
#Destination Panzer campaigns game main folder
$destinationgame = "C:\games\Panzer Campaigns\"
#Army list.  Feel free to add any Ive missed in the same format.
$armies = 'American','American-AB','British','British-AB','Canadian','French','German','German-SS','Luftwaffe','italian',`
$all = Get-ChildItem $destinationgame -Directory|select -ExpandProperty name
#Loops for each game
foreach ($game in $all)
$destination = $destinationgame+$game
#Loops for each army
foreach ($army in $armies)
#Check to see if destination army exists
$check = Test-Path $destination\$army
if ($check -eq 'True')
Write-Output "Populating $army"
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolsLg.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\2DSymbolssm.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Unitbox.bmp $destination\$army -Force
Copy-Item $source\$army\Flag.bmp $destination\$army -Force
#Clean up of old Help files
Get-ChildItem $destination -file| Remove-Item -Include *.hlp, *.cnt
#Copy info folder files
Copy-Item $source\info\* $destination\info -Force -Recurse