Any suggestions for a new e-mail service?
Hey guys,
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good e-mail service for gaming?
My requirements (in somewhat order of importance):
Reliability - Files, particularly ones with attachments, should get through 99.9999% of the time. I seem to be having a lot of dropped e-mails lately with no alert messages, and I suspect it is more on my end than on my opponent's.
Attachment size - I play CS/CM/UV pretty regularly, and my attachment file sizes (even zipped) can easily top 2 MB.
SPAM filter - I had a hotmail account once, and it was a little annoying filtering through the mortgage/porn/drug/etc. spams to look for turns. I'd like a service that would have good built-in filtering service that either lets most PBEM turns through or has simple controls to put addresses on a "trusted" list.
Outlook Express compatibility - I use Outlook Express for my e-mail at home, and I would like to be able to continue that. So ideally, I'll be able to access my home e-mail and my gaming e-mail at the same time with one hit of the send/receive button. I'd consider making a change in e-mail program if that would allow one click send/receive.
Cost - Free would be nice, but I'd be willing to pay a small monthly fee, if it was a world-class e-mail service.
So any suggestions out there?
Thanks in advance,