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Stock Scenarios
12-09-2007, 01:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-09-2007, 01:47 AM by Mad Russian.)
Stock Scenarios
What exactly are stock scenarios? I've read the statement but can't find anything anywhere that says.

I know I'm probably being stupid and lazy again and if that's the case thanks for the help in leading the sick, lame and lazy.

Once the scenario has passed through testing it is moved to the H2H "Approved" list and can be downloaded by any Blitz members. Note that these scenarios are considered to be the same as stock scenarios at the Blitz and can be reported just the same as the stock scenarios and you will earn exactly the same amount of ladder points when you report it.

Also, are scenarios restricted for download before they are passed through testing?

Good Hunting.
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12-09-2007, 07:16 AM,
RE: Stock Scenarios
The phrase "stock scenario" may have no meaning in CM titles, what it refers to is the difference between the scenarios that come with the title and H2H scenarios that are edited versions of stock scenarios or completely new scenarios. The text at the H2H pages has to cover 12 ladders and so some info may not always be 100% relevant to all ladders.

There was a misconception amongst some players that H2H scenarios could not be reported at the Blitz just the same as the stock scenarios.

No there is nothing to stop anybody downloading the scenarios while they are on the test page or the approved page, one of the changes i would like to see is the designer able to control this access when the scenario is at the test page.

Hope that helps.........
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