07-30-2008, 06:19 AM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 737
Joined: Jun 2004
OK l really enjoy this series however some things really annoy me.
When watching the pbem replay ( yeah l still enjoy the movies, great value ) even at standard setting the air attacks flash up so quick l cannot always read the result, let alone figure out where it happened. Try multipule strikes, what ? where ? £^%&*% !!!.
Could this be slowed down somewhat ?.
That old gripe RUBBLE, it's soooo hard to clear a path thru, even using the MAX amount of engineers.
All l want is a single lane path, been clearing a Town hex for a full week in game terms, still no joy.
Oh talking of RUBBLE, a armour unit can move onto RUBBLE and shoot, then move off again all in the same move.
This RUBBLE would be impassable in real life, unless cleared and units would move thro in T-Mode, is there a die roll for gettin bogged down ?.
OK l've lost the plot but we have all seen photo's of AFV's stranded in RUBBLE, mostly to shelling or bombing.
Railroads, OK Minsk is a BIG BIG campaign game with massive map, was gettin out of command reports, l suspect because my armoured train is stranded somewhere between two rail breaks.
l'm going to exit the ones which cannot advance to see whither this will solve the problem.
Any possibility of fixing tracks or might be better to withdraw armoured trains on set historical dates i.e. after the advance has move on.
And of course l'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms don't remind me when the last game was released.
07-30-2008, 09:55 AM,
Glenn Saunders
HPS Design & Playtest Coordinator

Posts: 1,258
Joined: Feb 2006
RE: Gripes
When watching the pbem replay ( yeah l still enjoy the movies, great value ) even at standard setting the air attacks flash up so quick l cannot always read the result, let alone figure out where it happened. Try multipule strikes, what ? where ? £^%&*% !!!.
Could this be slowed down somewhat ?.[/quote]
I just ran a test and I do 't see the problem - the Air result was no faster or slower than any direct fire result.
That old gripe RUBBLE, it's soooo hard to clear a path thru, even using the MAX amount of engineers.
All l want is a single lane path, been clearing a Town hex for a full week in game terms, still no joy.[/quote]
Rubble was never intended to be cleared but it was added because players wanted it in Normandy. See we gave in but had no flag in the OOB to trigger it so Airborne Engs could clear rubble at the same rate as any other eng, and you can imagine some of the rubble in Normandy went uncleared for a LONG time.
Oh talking of RUBBLE, a armour unit can move onto RUBBLE and shoot, then move off again all in the same move.
The Rubble rules call for units to pay 1/3rd their MP cost and that seemed reasonable and I've heard no others say they wanted it to cost more - til now that is.
This RUBBLE would be impassable in real life, unless cleared and units would move thro in T-Mode, is there a die roll for gettin bogged down ?.
The game was never intended to simulate every possible event that could occur or been shown in a picture - rather we tried to make most things that were factors be factors in the game - we have armoured breakdown and can flag some units for higher breakdown than others because these were factors that had some or greater effect on some battle.
OK l've lost the plot but we have all seen photo's of AFV's stranded in RUBBLE, mostly to shelling or bombing.[/quote]
Well - as I said - nobody ever said the game engine would duplicate everything in life - come to think of it, I've never seen one side move while the other side waits.
Railroads, OK Minsk is a BIG BIG campaign game with massive map, was gettin out of command reports, l suspect because my armoured train is stranded somewhere between two rail breaks.[/quote]
hard to say for sure - could be many things I suppose.
Any possibility of fixing tracks or might be better to withdraw armoured trains on set historical dates i.e. after the advance has move on.[/quote]
No to fixing tracks - not sure I follow your other point.
And of course l'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms don't remind me when the last game was released.
I feel your pain!
07-30-2008, 05:31 PM,

Posts: 404
Joined: Dec 2005
RE: Gripes
Rubble is a tricky problem in PzC. Each hex is a km, that's a lot of rubble. In a city a rubbled hex probably could be anything from total destruction to representing large scale damage in only parts of a city. A rubbled village hex probably represents lots of scattered areas of rubble. These different rubble levels will take different amounts of time to clear, but in PzC they are all represented as the same. This is the limitation of playing a game at the km scale.
When engineers clear rubble they open the hex up for movement in all directions. In a rubbled city hex this could represent clearing 6+ solid km of rubble. For rubbled villages clearing the hex could be more equivalent clearing the main roads through a handful of small villages.
I also find rubble clearance a painful exercise but when you are idealizing a highly variable activity as that represented by rubble clearance you have to accept that it will be implemented in a broad fashion.
07-31-2008, 05:03 AM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 737
Joined: Jun 2004
RE: Gripes
Well could l suggest that ALL units moving into RUBBLE should become fixed for the remainder of that turn, or should l say frozen and inactive.
Of course l accept they are various levels of RUBBLE, timber built houses with straw roofs would probably burn to the ground and would'nt figure whatsoever.
Think the Normandy problem was caused by older Cities and Towns and even villages having narrow streets, which compounded the problem. And then attempting a detour in Bocage terrain.
Maybe airbourne paras/enginners were too busy surviving and entrenching to clear RUBBLE and l don't think they jumped in with much heavy equipment.
But then the game can only model so much and l accept your earlier point on this subject.
By removing armoured trains ( artillery ) after a set time as a withdrawal. This represents historical withdrawal of units during the battle. Can only speculate but from what l've read the Russians were more concerned with repairing the railroads to transport supples.
Thanks Glenn for your quick reply, so l take it you arent too busy at this moment in time, have you just finished another game ?
07-31-2008, 12:38 PM,
Staff Sergeant

Posts: 87
Joined: Apr 2007
RE: Gripes
what about slowing down replay combats? I seem to remember that it might have been the f3 and or f4 key?
07-31-2008, 09:45 PM,
Steel God

Posts: 4,918
Joined: Sep 1999
RE: Gripes
Lowlander Wrote:Thanks Glenn for your quick reply, so l take it you arent too busy at this moment in time, have you just finished another game ?
Absolutely shameless Ian.