Would anyone like a SPMBT battle? I'm away from home for a few months, with lots of time on my hands. So, if anyone has anything they want to try...fire away.
"A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push."
2 battles played simulat. .(the same random map) one as Belgium one as
Jordan vs Belgium 10/86
Belgium vs Jordan 10/86
Map: 120 x 150 Random
Points: XXX
Air : XXX
Arty: 10% points
New score system - flag/points ratio
Games should be play about 1 tour daily (or faster)
sniper/inf AT/recon - if they aren't part of platoons, companies, can buy with limits
1 sniper - per infantry platoon/4 tanks
1 inf AT - per infantry platoon/4 tanks
1 MG - per infantry platoon/4 tanks