RE: Kevin and Dennis and the club
I sent you a PM merely stating that the club has certain rules in terms of game suspensions. The typical time limit is 3 weeks to claim a victory if the person outright vanishes. After discussing it with the higher-ups here, I thought that giving you 6 weeks to get things in order was fair. More specifically, I stated that the decision to claim a victory was completely up to the people you were currently playing. If they were fine with waiting an indefinite amount of time, that was fine with me as well.
Dennis has already stated that he's fine with holding on, I'm sure that Kevin will get back as well. I just wanted to give them a time frame that they had some recourse if you potentially didn't come back. Don't take this the wrong way, but you were very active a few years back and pretty much left for a couple a years without being heard from. I merely wanted to protect the other players on the ladder if that happened again. You haven't damaged anything, Jason, real life stuff always comes first, without question. This is just a hobby. We all understand that the complexities of life often erode our game-time. That's the real-world, and we all respect that.
Keep the games on hold until you get back running. If after 6 weeks you still aren't here, it's up to your opponents to make a call. There's no need to forfeit your games as of right now.