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CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
11-21-2010, 07:57 PM,
CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan.

I have been playing CM games since the start with CMBO, so I have some experience in playing these games.

When CMSF first came out it was the worst mess of a game I have ever seen .There were so many bugs that a pest controller would have had trouble in beating them back. So after playing it for awhile I gave up and un installed the game and placed it the cupboard where all the other poor games sit in dust.

But it was suggested that I reinstall the game and give it another go, well with all the patches the game has turned around into a very good game, its very hard to balance the advance with the Art and air support .

The other big thing over the other CM games is the range that your units get knocked out with is long and with night vision the dark is not a place to hide easy .Another thing is infantry they die quick, if they are caught in the open a platoon will fall apart and the Syrian infantry like to hide in the bottom of a trench and not fire which is such a pain. But when you get to grips with this and all the movement options and support it works well

The new mods that have come out (British+USMC) have made the game a lot more interesting to play and the scenarios are a lot better compared to the original CMSF game which are very poor with little thought out into them.

So I am converted to CMSF and love playing this game , so if like me you had this game in a dust filled cupboard then blow the dust off and give it another try .
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11-23-2010, 01:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-23-2010, 01:57 PM by JasonC.)
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
I'm like you in that I didn't like this game when it came out. I still don't like it. I think basically every change they made from CMBB was a mistake and added nothing to what they had. Therefore I don't play it.

I don't like true real time, I don't like pausable real time, I don't like tracking individual rounds in the air, I don't like the body armor modeling, I don't like the way folds in the ground give cover and effect spots, I don't like the tac AI, I don't like individual man representation of positioning under the tac AIs control, I don't like ATGM mini nukes, I don't like the fight until all literally killed combat system, I don't like the setting, I don't like the arty system, I don't like the limitations on weapon types by what the engine can model.

It is pretty much a collosal stuff up even without the bugs.

Oh and I don't like the arrogant, "can do no wrong", clueless belligerence of the staff to the feedback they got over all of it.

More than one man's opinion...
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11-24-2010, 02:04 AM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
I must admit the fight and all die does get abit anoying . I think the trouble with looking at CMBB and CMSF is that you can not compare the two because of the vast differance in weapons and how differant units see and move.

I dout if you will find CM Normandy to your liking as I get the feeling it will beb more like CMSF than CMBB.
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11-24-2010, 07:24 PM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
Correct, I have no faith that CM Normandy will be worth playing, for me.

I've pretty much given up on BTS generally.

But I still love CMBB and play it.
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11-24-2010, 09:45 PM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
I wish I could play CMBB , my Pc/ graphic card does not like these games :-(
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11-25-2010, 01:57 AM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
what graphics card do you have?
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11-25-2010, 04:05 AM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
Nividia 8800gt
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11-25-2010, 09:17 AM,
RE: CMSF The ugly duckling has changed into a swan
Does anyone else use this graphics card with success? I have an ATI card and I had to find and older driver for the card and use that in order for the game to run. This might be a solution. Just a guess though. Hopefully someone here has an idea that may get you back into the fight.
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