hex outline showing when hex is not checked
07-29-2018, 10:07 PM,
Technical Sergeant

Posts: 122
Joined: Nov 2014
hex outline showing when hex is not checked
I have all the games and two games show hexes slightly even when "hex outline" is not checked.
Jena and Waterloo.
I have quite a few mods associated with all the various games and I have not been able to figure out which "map" file bitmap creates the slight hex when checked off.
I am not sure if its 2dfeatures or another file.
Jena and Waterloo 2dfeatures have "chateaus" and I think this may be the file.
any help would be appreciated.
07-30-2018, 06:28 AM,

Posts: 724
Joined: Dec 2003
RE: hex outline showing when hex is not checked
Screenshot would be helpful.
For now I would say it's the basic ground graphics:
these are all in the Map folder.
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