Looking for up to 3 games
I'm looking for something along these lines :
Scenario or QB with following settings (WARNING : most won't be ME) :
QB : me russian or allies.
If a scenario, something with setup zones out of enemy fire, specially if units are locked.
*** Month / year : going up from early war and on... or random
*** Combined arms or random or free.
*** Army : free choice (prefered) or random (may reroll if infantry assault against armor).
*** user selection of troops within the limits above.
*** Casualties : random (I think it is a good compromise between idiot computer random pick and full player control)
*** Ammo : Full
*** fit units (weakened is too much of a hassle in non scenarios)
*** Random type of game
*** between 1500 - 3000 pts
*** medium or large map (computer resizes anyway)
*** no rarity
*** random time, random temperature (may be stormy night or high noon)
*** 40+ turns or 50+ turns, time to do something else than a mad rush.
*** everything else is random
*** You (or I) may ask for a reroll of setup if deep snow on large+ map or assault / attack on tabletop map or other seemingly boring or impossible game.
***May also use a pre drawn map for variety, if you have a nice map (send the map first). Note that in this case it may be fun to play several QBs on the same map, with "survivors import" and a few "home rules".