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Flags & Meeting Engagements
11-27-2006, 05:33 AM,
Flags & Meeting Engagements
Has anyone tried a QB ME using a premade map with 'NO' flags?

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11-27-2006, 07:19 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
Pug's "No Flag" tourney tackled that very subject. I think it is still running with a few players left. My impression was positive although a "draw" result seemed more common since the game starts as such and only by losing troops can you lose the game. This resulted in a slower, more conservative advance by most players I faced. So I would recommend adding a few turns and also using the percentages to decide the winner if you were to try one.


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11-28-2006, 12:10 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
Bootie - I've won all 8 games so far in Pug's NF tourney and I assume it was dropped for some reason - haven't heard anything in weeks. With no flags my strategy was to move quickly into the best cover I could find and then sit still the rest of the game. There is no longer a reason to be aggressive, because you will always have the advantage sitting still (invisible) against someone moving towards you.

When both players have the same idea it can get pretty boring, though. It becomes which guy gets impatient first.

Also, be careful - with no flags the computer will tally your final score based on casualties only - no flag points are considered. Victory levels are figured partly on a percentage of casualties basis. For example, if he caused 52% of the total casualties and you caused 48% of the total casualties, you'd both get a draw. Therefore, your opponent could knock out JUST ONE JEEP of yours and hide the rest of the game, and end up with a total victory. (his percentage of total casualties vs yours would look like 100% - 0%.)

The way the game figures victory levels with no flags would also allow you to do a dirty trick like this: (no I didn't do this!) Put three FOs in cover overlooking likely approach areas. When they spot infantry coming towards them, have them dump the artillery on them. Then have all of your units arranged so that they can exit the back of the map in the same minute. As long as you've suffered no casualties of your own, voila - total victory.

What might be a cool idea to try is a no flag map with exit zones on opposite sides - then you would be forced to get past each other in order exit your side and win.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-28-2006, 02:38 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
I like that idea about the exit zones DK... it certainly gives the game some impetus rather than being able to hide etc.

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11-28-2006, 08:13 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
I set up the no flag tourney thinking it would be a different enough game to foster some kind of ongoing tournament.
Not so.
All the players were supposed to finish 6 games, each against a different player and then there would be a second round. Points were scored for winning or drawing the games.
With dropouts and substitutions there were 40 games finished.
The final outcome is still up in the air as some 8 games have not had their results reported to me. If I get all those reported then there could be a three-way final playoff.
Without those results Der Kuenstler and Herr Schacht both finished their 6 games and ended with the highest number of points and would be in the final fight for the dubious title of winner of the tourney.
I set the tourney aside for a couple of months (until after Thanksgiving) after threatening and/or pleading with some of the players to let me hear something from them and some personal reasons.
That did not work at all and so I am at this point with no real final results.
Generally, the players seemed to like the game and comments were that it took a different mindset to play.
I also sent a questionaire about the game but only got some 4 responses back.
So, this week following the US Thanksgiving I will bring all the stats up to date, advise the players of the results, set out the questionaire results here on the blitzboard and get Der Kuenstler and Herr Schacht started on their final game to determine the winner.
Too bad that Der Kuenstler gave away his strategy in the previous post but that may not help him much against a determined opponent.
I had thought about starting another tourney based on the same idea of no flag but will not do so after this experience.
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11-28-2006, 08:52 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
PUG Wrote:I had thought about starting another tourney based on the same idea of no flag but will not do so after this experience.

I understand exactly where you are coming from PUG. Believe me though it isnt a new occurrence... it has been happening for years. I recently canned my March to the Gothic Line Competition because of huge dropouts.

It is also why the FGM (www.thefewgoodmen.com) was originally set up. Yes the odd tournament still doesnt reach the end but we are doing pretty well just now with 10 competitions running or starting in the near future and we have nowhere near as many drop outs.

I dont know how Vulture does it... he must arrive at peoples doors in a black sedan carrying a truncheon or something as the comps he runs at the Blitz more often than not finish in a reasonable time scale and very little drop outs.


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11-28-2006, 09:26 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
If someone is looking for a dual exit game, I recently played Spike this scenario:

Small Battles, Recon North of Rome

It is a dual exit scenario with strictly light AVs (no Tank action, but some nice guns anyway) - Germs on Brits. It was a lot of fun, I thought.
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11-30-2006, 07:22 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-01-2006, 12:00 AM by Zemke.)
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
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11-30-2006, 09:49 PM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
I would be interested to see how that works out.

Another idea that I tried with Falco was to use a large premade map (with abundant hills) and set the starting zones in opposite corners of the SAME SIDE of the map - then we were forced to move parallel to each other to get to the flags. It was interesting because there was some racing for the flag but also a battle for the hill between us as we tried to gain LOS and slow each other's advance. You had the option to go all out for the flag or to go for a flanking move right off, or both. It was pretty fun - ended in a draw.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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12-01-2006, 09:35 AM,
RE: Flags & Meeting Engagements
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