(08-20-2010, 07:32 AM)FroBodine Wrote: How do you do R&R? Is that in the rules? I don't remember seeing it.
Its in the User manual under Rest:
There are Rest Parameter Data Values defined for each scenario per side. If a rest value is nonzero, then it is possible for units of that side to recover effectiveness during the scenario. To be eligible for recovery, the unit must not have moved, fired, or assaulted that turn, nor can it have been fired upon. For each turn that a unit is eligible, it can recover an average effectiveness value equal to the rest value. When a unit is eligible for rest, then the effectiveness recovery also applies to all weapons carried by that unit. Vehicles cannot recover effectiveness.
Most of the games had their PDT's updated to support this with the last round of updates, but not all...we'll get the remainder on the next round.