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what games should I buy?
06-30-2007, 11:11 AM,
what games should I buy?
I'm new. I'm interested in games that can be played over the internet. I'd like to start off with some ACW games. What should I buy? Are there any free games?

Thanks - Nathan
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06-30-2007, 02:56 PM,
RE: what games should I buy?
Hi Nathan,

Welcome to the ACW ladder. As to games there are many to chose from and as many places to get them. There are NO free games however. Why don't you begin your search over at http://www.hpssims.com/

It'd a good place to start....

Ladder Custodian
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06-30-2007, 03:35 PM,
RE: what games should I buy?
Steel Panthers (SP) is free on that ladder. You can download four different versions:

SP WaW, SP WW2, and SP H2H are different versions of World War II tactical turn based battle. SP MBT is modern tactical warfare.
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06-30-2007, 04:15 PM,
RE: what games should I buy?
Steel Panthers is free? where can I get a free copy?

What is the most popular ACW game on the ladder?

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07-03-2007, 01:48 PM,
steel panthers
I found Steel Panthers version 2.0 for free. Click this link-


There is a version 2.5 patch that you can get for this free version.

I am not smitten with the game, but, here's a free chance too try the game out.

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07-04-2007, 03:30 AM,
RE: what games should I buy?
I tried posting yesterday and don't know what happened to it, but here it is again.

You can get SP World at War (current ver is 8.4) from Matrix games: www.matrixgames.com
You can get SP Main Battle Tank and SP WW2 from Shrapnel Games: www.shrapnelgames.com
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07-04-2007, 03:57 AM,
RE:��what games should I buy?
nathan Wrote:What is the most popular ACW game on the ladder?

Nathan - I would guess Campaign Gettysburg by HPS is the most popular game on the aldder right now. The engine is the same though for all the HPS games - as a new title comes out updates are released for the older games so they all stay current. So you just need to choose which topic interests you most. There are currently 9 titles to choose from.

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