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how do teamgames work????
08-23-2007, 09:40 AM,
how do teamgames work????
me and a friend were thinking about playing a team game , it would be a first for the both of us.
i was just woundering how it works...how would the buying of units be done..who gets what unit and so on...???:conf:
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08-23-2007, 10:49 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
Yup! I'm the friend. I have heard about team games but don't remember the particulars. PBEM---how does the turn rotation work and all that???
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
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08-23-2007, 07:29 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-23-2007, 07:32 PM by Fubar.)
RE: how do teamgames work????
I've never actually played a team game so i may have some of this wrong but from what i've been told it's like this.

I think that the players split into two groups, each player then agrees on what they will command e.g. one may command infantry whilst the other controls the armour. Then they agree on how many points each will spend and on what units, assuming it's a QB, and then one player purchases the units on the buying screen for both players.

Game turns work by each team member taking it in turns to move their units then 'saving' the file rather than clicking the 'end turn' button, and emailing it to the next member of their team, once the finale player on a team has moved the last of that teams units they click the 'end turn' button and send it to the other side who then follow a similar routine.

It involves a lot more work than a two player game and needs dedicated players who are quick with file turn around other wise games take forever. But you have the fun of talking tactics with your team mates and working out a plan, then you have to hope they actually understood the plan and follow it and don't do their own thing leaving you in the lurch.

Hope i got that right and it made sense.....haven't had a mug of coffee yet. Big Grin

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08-23-2007, 11:25 PM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
And don't forget to agree on a password! :)
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08-24-2007, 12:49 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????

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08-24-2007, 01:38 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
and since I'll have lots of free-time during the next two months [due to surgery] I volunteer as one of your opponents.
I'll choose my own teamm8 !
visit WaT HERE!!!
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08-24-2007, 02:08 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
well that about all i needed to find out. thanks for the help guys.
just tryed to give ya a green click but thay changed up the system what the hay!

Koen it may be a week or two hope you dont mind waiting.
i will be happy to play you one on one right now if you would like.let me know what you think.i also have a lot of time on my hands at this time so we could blast out a game or so:cheers

e-mail [email protected]
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08-24-2007, 04:31 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
When it is your turn to plot the moves the first team mate moves his units then hit the "save" button, not the "Go" button. Then email the saved turn (in the "saved games" folder) to your team mate. He will finish the move turn and then hit "Go". Then he sends that turn on to the opponent.
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08-24-2007, 04:46 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
thank you 95bravo

btw/ dont forget to send me my turn;)
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08-25-2007, 12:26 AM,
RE: how do teamgames work????
Turn sent. My bad.
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