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A few questions if nobody minds
01-05-2008, 03:36 PM,
A few questions if nobody minds
First, thank you all. I finally have some time and was getting ready to go buy this. I think I'll wait for more feedback first.

I love the CM games. I think it is Steel Panthers and Close Combat but better! I liked the screenshots of Shock Force and was looking forward to playing it. From what I've read here, it is buggy and doesn't play much like the originals.

Could somebody give me a synopsis of the problems? Are there ANY good points?

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01-06-2008, 02:15 AM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
I only tried the demo and that was enough to turn me off. The game just feels too much like one of the millions of RTS games that are on the market with beloved WEGO an afterthought. Add to that the completely scripted nature of the AI and I'm not interested.

I the original demo I was able to put the Syrian armour on the reverse slope of the hill and the scripted AI happilly stayed there course. I was able to take out all the Strykers, M1's and US infantry while loseing only a half dozen T72's. The AI just doesn't seem to be able to do any thinking of its own. In other words if it isn't scripted in by the scenario designer forget about it.

I'd stick with CMBB and CMAK, but that's just my opinion.
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01-08-2008, 06:58 PM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
Good points:
1 - the graphics are nice.
2 - new weapons are cool. The first time I saw the US grenade launcher in action I considered it worth my money. Likewise, watching various missles and other stuff is really cool
3 - I like the individual soldiers represented. BFC definitely has some work in this area making the game work, but I hope and think they will eventually get it right.
4 - Artillery model is better

Bad stuff:
There are lots of bad things. In summary so many little things that makes the original CM games a good tactical wargame are just not there.
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01-15-2008, 12:41 AM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
Hi Dogbert,

I have all of the CMx1 games and I enjoy them immensely. Since version 1.05 I also enjoy CMSF inspite of its bugs. I bought the game on preorder and so have been trying and playing it since its release.

Up to, and including, version 1.04 the balance of bugs, was for me , too much on the side of the game not being fun and interesting to play.

Since the 1.05 patch it has tipped the balance so it is a lot more fun and better to play. Having said that there are still some very irritating bugs. The following are what I find to be the worst.

1. Brads and BMPS are very slow to use their ATGM's when needed. Usually they die when confronting armour. There is no way to force them to use an ATGM.

2. Where there are low walls the los and lof do not work properly. BFC says this will be fixed in the next patch.

3. Infantry still make odd decisions when moving but their pathing is much improved.

4. Vehicle pathing while improved still needs some work. Again in 1.05 it is much better.

In spite of the above I find the game is fun and there are more scernarios and graphic mods being made.

Do not judge by the demo as it is only 1.04. If you buy the game buy the BFC version. You will not wait so long for updates and patches.

Regards John
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01-15-2008, 10:06 AM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
well the demo is 1.00 version it have full bugs they plant to get out a new demo when they have ironed most of the bugs.

the game play better in 1.05 as z1812 said, but there is still have bugs of course there will be some patch on its way hope they could ironed all the bugs
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03-04-2008, 11:59 PM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
CMSF v.1.06 is much better than v1.00, . No bugs. Game disbalance corrected. Generally, CMx2 engine is much better than CMx1, just need some little corrections. Graphics of vehicles & units and their movement, dynamic lights at night made me jump from excitement!!). Also orders are much more flexible, like at each waypoint you can set different target, cover arc, etc... Modern weapons! Micromanagement decreased for infantry, especially inside the buildings. It is BEST game in my opinion.
Now v1.07 patch is already issued.
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03-05-2008, 09:40 AM,
RE: A few questions if nobody minds
107 is alot better. the game plays very good with that.
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