The Campaign Series uses turns times the game complexity (size) to determine Ladder Size/Club Size.
Determining Size Modifiers uses the following formula :
Turns * Complexity = Modified Complexity.
Use this table to determine Size Modifier.
Modified Complexity - Size Modifier (SM)
1 - 59 1
60 - 94 2
95 - 134 3
135 - 179 4
180 - 229 5
230 - 284 6
285 - 344 7
345 - 409 8
410 - 479 9
480 + 10
Turns and Complexity are given within each scenario in the Campaign Series. It is highly recommended that you have all the necessary data available before you add a Scenario to the Scenario dBase.
A scenario listed in the game with a Size/Complexity of 2 and has 10 turns would be listed on the ladder (and scenario dBASE) 2x10=20 which would make the modified complexity a 1. Victory levels would be calculated times 1 for ladder purposes.