11-09-2013, 01:33 PM,
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2017, 04:02 AM by Weasel.
Edit Reason: Update information

Posts: 5,312
Joined: Jan 2001
Mentor program for new players
When the SP ladder was a happening place there were quite a few new players who asked for help learning the game, and with the request there always appeared one or two who wished to play the new guy for an easy win. To prevent this I came up with a mentor program which has been decided to be adopted by the CM ladder to help those new to the game which we all agree does have some complex aspects. The mentor program works like this:
Any new player can be offered a mentor and any person can be a mentor if they feel they have the ability to teach and pass on the finer points of CM2. A new player must have played less than four games of any version of CM2 and once he starts his fifth game he is no longer eligible for the program.
The object of the mentor is to help the new player only; he is to critique his play and point out what he did wrong or right, what he could have done or how to plan and so on. He will also teach him how to set up email games and general house rules, what is commonly accepted etc. The mentors main focus is to bring the new player up to speed.
So how does all this work? If the new player wins he gets to record his win as such but if the mentor wins he is only allowed to record a draw however he is also awarded a bonus 50pts on top of the report for the effort he has put in teaching no matter the outcome.
To report that you are teaching someone the mentor contacts the CM2 administrator and lets him know that you are teaching player X and that it will be a mentor game; you also let him know which number of mentor game this is for the new player. Once done, or if the new player disappears, you report the game as outlined above and let him know you have finished, you will then be awarded the bonus points.
This program worked incredibly well on the SP ladder and I believe it will succeed here also. I do know there is at least one CM2 player teaching two new players right now, if they wish they may convert those games to mentor games, just let me know.
Players may also choose not to report the game against the ladder but both the mentor and new player must agree to this. The mentor will still be awarded the points.
***Updated 26 April 2017: Contact the CM2 ladder administrator for the award; I am no longer a CM2 custodian and it would be out of place for me to award such things here.***
Some of us are busy doing things; some of us are busy complaining - Debasish Mridha
01-15-2016, 01:01 AM,
Lieutenant Colonel

Posts: 671
Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Mentor program for new players
So how do I get a mentor? I certainly need one. But can't see a way suggested to find one? Do I just post a mentor request in the forum?
04-28-2016, 05:18 AM,

Posts: 5,312
Joined: Jan 2001
RE: Mentor program for new players
HI Peter; Sorry, I don't play CM2 anymore but just post on the CM forum asking for one.
Some of us are busy doing things; some of us are busy complaining - Debasish Mridha
06-24-2016, 01:04 AM,
Master Sergeant

Posts: 182
Joined: May 2011
RE: Mentor program for new players
(04-28-2016, 05:18 AM)Weasel Wrote: HI Peter; Sorry, I don't play CM2 anymore but just post on the CM forum asking for one.
Weasel, why dont you play CM2 anymore?just wondering
06-28-2016, 08:12 AM,

Posts: 5,312
Joined: Jan 2001
RE: Mentor program for new players
Found too much of the game wasn't to my liking. I didn't like some of the things that were happening that I thought was wrong (this is my thinking). For example: infantry comes under fire it is always the leader or support weapon guy that dies first. Tanks that never spot the guy pumping numerous rounds at them and other stuff like that. All in all I just got frustrated.
Some of us are busy doing things; some of us are busy complaining - Debasish Mridha
06-28-2016, 04:52 PM,
Das Morbo

Posts: 73
Joined: Sep 2015
RE: Mentor program for new players
I HATE the game for those two points... And the ridiculous crew vulnerability.
But not enough to quit.
Anyway, good news:
The slightly dumb "leader-and-support-weapons-guys-die-first" has definitely been toned down in CMBN in the last patch. By now I stopped being suprised to see them still alive even though their unit took losses.
Bad news:
The spotting is still FUBAR. I read on the BF Forum, I don't know if it was a BF-staff or a normal memeber, that there is a inherent problem which they can't fix without rebuilding the engine.
08-30-2016, 12:09 AM,
RE: Mentor program for new players
(06-28-2016, 04:52 PM)Das Morbo Wrote: I HATE the game for those two points... And the ridiculous crew vulnerability.
But not enough to quit.
Anyway, good news:
The slightly dumb "leader-and-support-weapons-guys-die-first" has definitely been toned down in CMBN in the last patch. By now I stopped being suprised to see them still alive even though their unit took losses.
Bad news:
The spotting is still FUBAR. I read on the BF Forum, I don't know if it was a BF-staff or a normal memeber, that there is a inherent problem which they can't fix without rebuilding the engine.
Man i hate this. its largely due to the leader "leading the way". i split my teams and use scouts esp with americans as their teams are built for it.even bigger plus is that gunners dont get killed as easily, they where largely useless until FB.
I havent had too many problems with spotting, but generally if an AFV gets its bell rung the crew is going to be shitting themselves and most times it throws up a lot of dust. to counter things like this i use C2 as much as possible, waiting for a tank to get the spot marker before i have it move to hull down to shoot. If there is a lot of foliage between the two i wont even bother.
"Acceptance is the path to true wisdom" - Unknown