How do you customise your DCG Core Units?
G'day folks,
First, I just wanted to say hi from Australia. Any Aussies here?
I started playing EF II back in the late 90s for many years, then forgot about it, then started playing it again recently. This was the original Talonsoft version. I was both amazed and delighted to discover recently that this great game is still alive and kicking. So great to see so much interest in it. So I recently purchased the latest version from Matrix. Geez, they've made that toolbar a lot bigger haven't they ;)
Modifying DCG core units
I hope this isn't too much of a rookie question, so here goes.
One thing I never managed to work out was how to modify the basic core starting units for DCGs. I've had a good long look at the 'Creating and Modifying a DCG' pdf manual and successfully managed to tweak many of the scenario parameters. However, I just can't seem to change my core units, either through the Edit Order of Battle function or messing with the campaign01.OOB files (I usually play as Axis Germans).
There is one example in the 'Creating and Modifying a DCG.pdf' manual that explains how to put yourself in charge of a Tiger Battalion for a West Front DCG (when it's not usually available). While I did not try this exact example, as a test I did manage to make such a unit 'appear' in the 1939 Poland DCG ('Polish Tragedy'). Mind you, none of the tanks appeared, only the Commander, as Tigers don't activate until 1942 obviously. But at least I got that to work.
So I'm wondering if you lovely folk can help.
1) How do you create a customised Kampfgruppe as your Core unit? From the outset, that is. For example, can you add a couple of 150mm SP guns to your basic Panzer Battalion from the very beginning, which carries over from scenario to scenario?
2) If this is achievable, will upgrades and changes mess it up?
3) Can your DCG Core unit be something unusual or exotic i.e. not a tank or infantry battalion? For example, can you make your core unit an artillery or rocket Battalion?
4) Most importantly, how do you go about implementing these changes? Do you mess with OOB files or can you do them with the Edit Order of Battle function?
I get that DCGs are nothing like playing against human opponents. Nonetheless, I've been super keen to experiment with these changes since the day I started playing the Talonsoft version in the 90s. I would be super, super grateful for any help and advice.
Also, apologies if I've missed any existing resources.