Hello gentlemen,
Minsk ´44 is a beautiful game, just finished a 6 years long team game of the main campaign, but I would like to play more of this one.
I´m planning to play the rest of the scenarios, beginning with this one:
0623_10a: The Long Left Flank - [HTH]_Alt
I am looking for an experienced player here, that means somebody who can make up a plan not just quickly clicking away his turn without giving it a deeper though. If the game looks and plays nice, I would create an AAR from these games, so your actions will be visible for all the next generations
I am willing to take any side, but once we choose sides, let´s keep them so through the rest of the scenarios.
Also, it would be good to have a nice pace, something around 1 turn per day or maximally two at least
Looking forward to hear from you!