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Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
11-24-2006, 06:13 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Fullhouse Wrote:
Geordie Wrote:I vote no on random reinforcements. None of these games are inherintley balanced after all and randomising the reinforcements will just push 1 side over the edge I think.

I'm not complaining about the way they are now but the Germans especially may be very disadvantaged by having say only 1 tank on the map to start with against 4 or 5 Soviet. Then there's the chance that 50% of your reinforcement may not show up while your enemy gets the lot of his. If we were playing a 2000 pt battle this may not matter but in these small games I think it will dull rather than sharpen what is already an excellent experience.

You seem to extrapolate a lot there. Why should there be any reason for the russians to start with 5 tanks and the germans 1?

Its a scenario so the starting forces are totaly in the hands of the designer. A sharp shooter each seem fair?

Also reinforcements at 50% will mean that forces would turn up sooner rather than later, but there is no reason for it to be set to 50%, why not 75 or 100 even.

It doesn't matter, the games are so small and the Soviets always have more. Its always going to be 2 v1 or 3v2 etc. It stands to reason then if your German and have 1 tank and he has 2 you are immediately at a disadvantage. Especially if your tank is a Stug. These battles are random as it is and the only thing designed is the map. Then mix in reinforcements that may not arrive. I just don't think it works for this kind of Tourney.

Try it yourself and see what happens?
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11-24-2006, 07:54 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
Geordie Wrote:
Fullhouse Wrote:
Geordie Wrote:I vote no on random reinforcements. None of these games are inherintley balanced after all and randomising the reinforcements will just push 1 side over the edge I think.

I'm not complaining about the way they are now but the Germans especially may be very disadvantaged by having say only 1 tank on the map to start with against 4 or 5 Soviet. Then there's the chance that 50% of your reinforcement may not show up while your enemy gets the lot of his. If we were playing a 2000 pt battle this may not matter but in these small games I think it will dull rather than sharpen what is already an excellent experience.

You seem to extrapolate a lot there. Why should there be any reason for the russians to start with 5 tanks and the germans 1?

Its a scenario so the starting forces are totaly in the hands of the designer. A sharp shooter each seem fair?

Also reinforcements at 50% will mean that forces would turn up sooner rather than later, but there is no reason for it to be set to 50%, why not 75 or 100 even.

It stands to reason then if your German and have 1 tank and he has 2 you are immediately at a disadvantage. Especially if your tank is a Stug.

Lol how does this stand to reason. There are many time periods in which I would take an up armoured stug against a 76mm T-34 and the Stug would be virtualy invincible if played right. In fact stugs have given me great pain in both my previous games as Soviet. However what if the German pulls a tiger? I would happily take 2:1 odds as german if I had a tiger.

Often any defecit in numbers for the germans will be overcome by superiority in equipment as well as crew quality. Though of course this depends alot on time period.

The whole point to me is that these battles are all about fun. I would never have chosen to play 4 out of the 6 battles I have fought normaly as they have been so unbalanced. However I have still enjoyed them and the spirit in which they have been played. Seeing that fun is the only real consideration and balance be damned then random reinforcements can only add to the fun factor imho. Random reinforcements could add greatly to the suspence as there is both a will they wont they factor and the unknown of what might arrive. It would be great fun to be being shafted and then start the turn with glee to see aforementioned tiger pitch up and then rain hell on the enemy.

The only downside I can see is if one player gets a clear line of fire onto a reinforcement zone and can pick off the reinfocements as they arrive. However this can easily be overcome.

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11-24-2006, 08:08 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
All points taken on board and agreed with. However, I still think these battles are too small for random reinforcement. I just don't think it will work at the size we are playing at. Maybe 2000 points but not 800.
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11-25-2006, 01:53 AM,
RE: Blitz Byte Battle Brawl - ROUND 3
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