I don't know if anyone can help but i have told a friend of mine that used to play Steel Panthers years ago about the WinSP games which he was unaware about.
He has sent me an email saying he has some problems getting it running, if anyone knows of what may be wrong or has had similar troubles but fixed them, if they could let me know how they did it that would be great.
Here is his email to me
".....Thanks very much for info. I downloaded them, but for some reason I can't play a turn without a CTD... Tried full screen/windowed, tried Win98 compatibility, nada... either I CTD anytime when I am going to the next unit with N, or when I launch the turn after orders.
Didn't find anything giving me some light in the very complete manual...
May be because I play on a laptop and it doesn't like it.. no idea at the moment. But it was nice seeing them graphics again......"
Thanks in advance for any help.